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Pluto: Go Deeper

“Transcendence” is a word astrologers commonly use to talk about Pluto’s transits and its aspects to other planets in the birth chart. But before we can hope to transcend a situation, we must first commit to being full engaged in it. When Pluto is involved, this commitment carries some risk….

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Pluto rolling over

I’m fearful today. That’s part of the Pluto journey. I don’t intend to rush, whistling, past the graveyard, desperately seeking comfort, redemption, or even wisdom. Instead, I’ve pulled up a low, hard bench in the middle of the cemetery. I’m listening to a cool wind in the trees, rustling the leaves of panic, confusion, grief, and rage. I’m sitting shiva with Pluto.

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Mercury retrograde, Pluto, and the darker woods

mercury rx darker woodsOn Friday, Mercury turns retrograde at 5.58 Capricorn. The Sabian Symbol for 6 Capricorn is, I think, a beautiful and exciting one: “Ten logs lie under an archway leading to darker woods.” The logs can be the things that are blocking your mind, and powers of perception, from seeing the truth. But lay them out in a certain way, and they can also serve as steps that take you deeper into the darker woods.

Mercury is turning retrograde in a conjunction with Pluto and the Moon’s North Node, and the combination is, I think, related to telling some ugly truths – about yourself, about your world. Sometimes loss and shock and grief open up channels of communication that can’t be opened any other way.

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I Survived the August 2010 Cardinal (Anti-)Climax and all I got was this stupid t-shirt

When the Moon entered Cancer and Venus entered Libra on Friday,  the astrological world held its collective breath. These two fast-moving celestial bodies were, we felt, the catalysts that would galvanize the slow-building and long-anticipated cardinal t-square (Jupiter conjunct Uranus, opposed Mars conjunct Saturn, and all of them square Pluto) …

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