Honey, no. Just… no. Within days of entering Libra, Venus will:
- oppose Uranus (Sep. 17), the astrological equivalent of shoving an ice cream cone into a light socket;
- square newly-direct Pluto (Sep. 18), unleashing a good six months’ worth of interpersonal gremlins and barely-suppressed loathing;
- struggle to maintain a tactful distance from Mars during its last testy days in Cancer (Mars enters Leo on September 18);
- gear up for a good-news/bad-news conjunction with Saturn (Sep. 29). The good news: both Venus and Saturn are at their best in Libra. The bad news: Even at their best, they’re awkward bedfellows. A combination that can spell “financial and relational maturity and persistence” can also be interpreted as “cold, selfish, and stubborn.” (Your mileage may vary. Consult your astrologer for advice on your specific situation. Etc.)
So I hate to be the one to break it to you, but placing Venus in Libra in a solar system full of bigger, slower, meaner planets that are in a bad mood is about as effective as putting a Glade air freshener in a slaughterhouse. Both are fighting way out of their weight class.
That said, early October heralds somewhat happier days for Venus in Libra. Want to get married, buy something gorgeous, throw a divine party? Early October is your window of opportunity. Until then, hold fast to your wallet, proceed with caution in all relationships, and reconcile yourself to getting your gum drops the old fashioned way – with a trip to 7-11.