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Jupiter in Taurus: Sacred Cows

The blessings of both Jupiter and Taurus are many: a sense that anything is possible, that security is within reach, and pleasures are abundant. But the combination of Jupiter’s respect for doctrine and Taurus’ conservatism has a potential downside: the unwillingness to confront needed change….

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The Emperors Change Clothes

When planets with long cycles change signs, it’s big news. They bring their energies to new areas of life and for a time, they accomplish their work by impersonating different characters. This fall, Jupiter changes signs for the first time in a year, and Saturn moves into a new sign …

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Libra New Moon: The Leap of Love

The Libra New Moon is close to Jupiter, which recently entered Libra for a one-year stay. Astrologers rejoiced when Jupiter left Virgo, figuring that since Jupiter is supposed to be a “lucky” planet and Libra is the sign of relationships, everything would soon be coming up rainbows and unicorns. But anytime someone starts talking about how wonderful a transit is going to be, it makes me itchy….

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Jupiter enters Virgo: The Party’s Over

Despite its reputation as astrology’s most generous benefactor, Jupiter’s gifts are often best enjoyed in hindsight. When Jupiter is moving through a sign, a house, or in aspect to one of your natal planets, you can actually feel quite a lot of pressure – to live bigger, be more daring, and challenge your limitations..

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Jupiter/Saturn Opposition: Cosmic Taffy Pull

Bumping this up for next week’s Jupiter/Saturn opposition A neighbor in my rural hometown used to put us kids to work each year pulling taffy. Sounds like a delightful, Normal Rockwell-esque activity, but it was surprisingly hard work. An opposition between titans Jupiter (expansion) and Saturn (contraction) is not unlike …

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I Survived the August 2010 Cardinal (Anti-)Climax and all I got was this stupid t-shirt

When the Moon entered Cancer and Venus entered Libra on Friday,  the astrological world held its collective breath. These two fast-moving celestial bodies were, we felt, the catalysts that would galvanize the slow-building and long-anticipated cardinal t-square (Jupiter conjunct Uranus, opposed Mars conjunct Saturn, and all of them square Pluto) …

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