Eclipse Guest Post at MoonCircles
I contributed a guest post on the November 24/25 Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius over at MoonCircles: Eclipses signal moments of transition, and often disorientation, when things are revealed to be other than what they had seemed. This week’s Solar Eclipse falls in Sagittarius, the sign of higher education, sports, and …
Read MoreChecking in with the eclipses of war
The potential for military conflict that I explored at the December 21, 2010 Lunar Eclipse is unfolding exactly as expected: “Eclipses bring matters to a turning point, whether they’re matters of love, loss, financial changes – or conflict…. (T)his eclipse degree is conjunct the fixed star Betelgeuse (27 Gemini), a …
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Synastry: Celebrities you love
Last night, I caught a documentary about the late actor and monologist Spalding Gray. It reminded me how much I adored him – that is, as much as you can adore someone you’ve never met and don’t know in any intimate way. Watching Spalding Gray perform a monologue made my …
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Mercury retrograde, Pluto, and the darker woods
mercury rx darker woodsOn Friday, Mercury turns retrograde at 5.58 Capricorn. The Sabian Symbol for 6 Capricorn is, I think, a beautiful and exciting one: “Ten logs lie under an archway leading to darker woods.” The logs can be the things that are blocking your mind, and powers of perception, from seeing the truth. But lay them out in a certain way, and they can also serve as steps that take you deeper into the darker woods.
Mercury is turning retrograde in a conjunction with Pluto and the Moon’s North Node, and the combination is, I think, related to telling some ugly truths – about yourself, about your world. Sometimes loss and shock and grief open up channels of communication that can’t be opened any other way.
Read MoreNow Conan, *that’s* how to handle an eclipse to your natal Sun.
The basic plotline of what’s being called “the latest late-night wars” is, by now, familiar. Nearly six years ago, Jay Leno announced that he would step down as the host of “The Tonight Show” in 2009, and his network, NBC, promised that the most coveted of talk show duties would …
Read MoreJupiter and Neptune reunion
I discovered his music in 1982. I was working for a local newspaper group in Orange County, and one day on my lunch hour I wandered into a record store (remember those?) and this delicious pop music was playing. I immediately asked the clerk what it was, bought the album, …
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First, he killed his mother.
The fallout from last night’s tense Full Moon is spilling out all over today’s headlines. In Alabama on Tuesday, a quiet young man killed ten people – beginning with his mother (remember the Moon conjunct Saturn in that Full Moon chart?) and ending with himself. This morning, I turned on …
Read MoreThinkin’ Lincoln (and Darwin)
It’s the big guy’s 200th birthday tomorrow. And coincidentally, the birthday of Charles Darwin, born the same year: As historical facts go, it amounts to little more than a footnote. Still, while it’s just a coincidence, it’s a coincidence that’s guaranteed to make you do a double take the first …
Read MorePluto in Virgo speaks
“It can’t happen without you, without a new spirit of service, a new spirit of sacrifice…. So let us summon a new spirit of patriotism, of responsibility, where each of us resolves to pitch in and work harder and look after not only ourselves but each other…. I will ask …
Read MoreDateline San Diego
Vacation was fantastic… restorative, refreshing, all that. But I cannot tell a lie: my full 9th house notwithstanding, I’m glad to be home again. Partly it’s because I came down a pretty dreadful flu the minute we hit Wellington, and spent a good deal of our last week in New …
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