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CategoryFull Moon


Aquarius Full Moon: Conga Line

Here are some of modern astrology’s contradictory messages about Aquarius, the sign of this month’s first Full Moon (Aug. 1, 2023, 11:31 am PDT): Aquarius symbolizes weirdness, iconoclasm, and innovation, but also friendship and membership in groups. So which is it? Well, I guess it’s both, really.

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Sagittarius Full Moon: I Married an Alien!

Your Stealth Sagittarius demands the freedom to create a life that’s uniquely yours. It is the part of you that is unsatisfied with having only a tiny bit of the world, and is greedy for a huge slice of it. No one, not even the most confirmed hermit, is exempt from this Sagittarian lust for a life that is more, that is bigger and freer.

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Libra Full Moon: Befriending the Enemy

When I think about befriending people whose opinions, lifestyles, or politics are abhorrent to me, some flinty part of me digs in its heels and refuses to give in, loathe to give the impression of surrender. Why do most of us find it so difficult to befriend our enemies—and why is that those with Libra prominent in their birth charts often succeed where we fail?…

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