Eclipse Aspects to Natal Planets: The Narrative of Change
Planets woven together by difficult aspects describe your defining attributes; each time an eclipse scores a glancing blow off these aspects (about every four and a half years), you’re given another chance to become a little bit more…you.
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Lunar Eclipses and Relationships
Romantic partnerships are not the only relationships in our lives (just the ones we’re most likely to be obsessed about). What will this eclipse say about the 99.999% of the relationships in our lives that don’t involve yearning looks across a crowded room or intimate physical contact?
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Solar Eclipse in Libra: You Were Asleep
You’ll never be the same person you were before life and relationships happened to you; every person you’ve loved has left a hairline fracture….
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Eclipses in Natal Houses: Dancing in the Dark
The cycle of eclipses moving through the houses of the horoscope presents opportunities for understanding and healing. Each house axis represents where you face a critical turning point, a “crisis” in their life. Using eclipses, it’s pretty easy to pinpoint the source of the crisis….
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“What will the eclipses mean?”
“What will the eclipse mean, what will it mean?” we cry. The answer is, it will mean something different for each of us.
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Eclipses: Defending Your Life
Imagine viewing scenes from five days of your life: The days on which, at 19-year intervals, solar eclipses conjoined that planet in your birth chart. You were at a turning point, struggling to overcome one of your darkest fears. What events defined these turning points, and how effectively did you handle your fear?
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Taurus Lunar Eclipse: Fearless
As the Sun moves through Scorpio, the scene is set for facing fearsome realities we’d rather avoid. But at the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, we’re reminded of life’s blessings, not just its perils.
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Scorpio Lunar Eclipse: Snake in the Grass, Dragon in the Heart
There is an opportunity in this eclipse to transform yourself into something even more formidable than a crafty serpent: a fire-breathing dragon.
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Taurus Solar Eclipse: Pennies From Heaven
When things become too safe, it’s easy to get bored, lazy, and a little bit grumpy. Eclipses seem to catalyze the sort of scary change that we both need and dread, and it’s often the kind of change that, in hindsight, seems to have been inevitable.
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Taurus and Scorpio Eclipses: Community Garden
The coming eclipses in Taurus and Scorpio will awaken us to the true value of everything, and often that begins with loss, sometimes very small, sometimes life-changing.
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