Hang on through Sunday’s Sun/Uranus square (that’s what’s making you feel so nervous and stressed) and you’ll find yourself wandering into the fatiguing suburbs of Saturn and Pluto. Diamond-making or not, I always dissuade engaged couples from marrying when the Sun is square Saturn. For whatever reason, the square between these two seems more debilitating than the conjunction or opposition; it’s like planting a seed in hard and infertile soil – you can work very hard and still not get the plant to flourish. And when the Sun is opposed Pluto, it’s tempting to throw up your hands in frustration and cry, “What’s the point?”
But don’t let Pluto convince you to stay in bed with the blankets pulled over your head. And when Saturn starts to push you around, push right back.
This morning I woke up feeling overwhelmed and a little hopeless about the day’s tasks, the hectic weekend ahead, and next week’s already jammed schedule. I’m pushing myself hard, but Saturn is pushing me harder. “Let’s see what you’re made of,” he barks, like a… drill sergeant? A personal trainer? Yes, that’s a nicer frame for it: Saturn’s your personal coach, kicking your ass all the way to the finish line. When he’s done with you, you’ll be huddled in a corner, weeping – or else stronger and more glittering than you ever imagined you could be.

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