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The “Diamond” Eclipse: Push back

The Sabian Symbol for 10 Cancer, the degree of the upcoming Solar Eclipse (July 1), is, “A large diamond not completely carved.” The Sun and Moon in the eclipse chart are opposed Pluto and square Uranus and Saturn, so there’s plenty of pressure to go around… but it’s the kind of pressure that can create glittering diamonds from humble chunks of coal.

Hang on through Sunday’s Sun/Uranus square (that’s what’s making you feel so nervous and stressed) and you’ll find yourself wandering into the fatiguing suburbs of Saturn and Pluto. Diamond-making or not, I always dissuade engaged couples from marrying when the Sun is square Saturn. For whatever reason, the square between these two seems more debilitating than the conjunction or opposition; it’s like planting a seed in hard and infertile soil – you can work very hard and still not get the plant to flourish. And when the Sun is opposed Pluto, it’s tempting to throw up your hands in frustration and cry, “What’s the point?”

But don’t let Pluto convince you to stay in bed with the blankets pulled over your head. And when Saturn starts to push you around, push right back.

This morning I woke up feeling overwhelmed and a little hopeless about the day’s tasks, the hectic weekend ahead, and next week’s already jammed schedule. I’m pushing myself hard, but Saturn is pushing me harder. “Let’s see what you’re made of,” he barks, like a… drill sergeant? A personal trainer? Yes, that’s a nicer frame for it: Saturn’s your personal coach, kicking your ass all the way to the finish line. When he’s done with you, you’ll be huddled in a corner, weeping – or else stronger and more glittering than you ever imagined you could be.

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6 comments to " The “Diamond” Eclipse: Push back "

  • Parin Stormlaughter

    Yes April, I find Saturn to be the same drill sergeant! When I do what Saturn tasks me with (and keep my mindset that it’s a task I can accomplish and not a cage I can’t escape), the most amazing things happen.

  • oh saturn! so serious. love the references to diamonds… made me think about one of my favorite songs from Antigone Rising called Broken. it’s a good song to sing back at Saturn! LOL 😉

    listen here:

  • helen

    April, you again make me look at stuff in a new way i never looked at before ~
    i never used to like Saturn but seeing as it’s not going away and me thinks i may be coming up on my 2nd saturn return (ha, you can’t scare me old friend) – so, what do i love about you Saturn? it’s the structure in my life.. the 24 hr drugstore with groceries, T&T chinese grocery with great takeout, Costco (yes, with Uranus in Cancer we sort for food), the planes flying, the post office delivering, things in place.
    So, seeing as i been totally nuts and stressed last few weeks, maybe i will chill out at home and a little radical restructuring…April! you have stretched my brain again!!!

  • New Zealand Nancy

    April, I found your article both jarring and comforting at the same time. I recognized the description of unrelenting pressure, and the big urge to get into bed, pull covers up over stressed-out head and wait it out. (I’m in New Zealand, so this urge is fully operative this time of year, having just passed through our shortest day!) Your portrait of the Sun/Uranus square describes the shape and hue of my daily life, for what seems like endless weeks now. And Sun opposite Pluto might make me wanna throw up hands and whine out through tears, “What’s the point?” Bingo! That’s me. This article jarred me into recognition that this is pretty close to how I’m handling this eclipse and cardinal grand cross carnival ride. I gotta get a grip! And it comforted me, too. There is rhyme-and-reason in this stress season. For a long time, I have thought about needed Change. Personal and Global. I thought I’d welcome it. Now that it is unfolding, it’s not as easy to roll with it as I thought. Kinda like thinking about doing a bungee jump, as opposed to actually standing on that little plate ledge thingy, all strapped in, and hearing the countdown to “Jump!” Another “test” is in progress. A pretty big one, mind you! From the article: “Saturn’s your personal coach, kicking your ass all the way to the finish line.” Boy oh boy, do I have a sore backside! And again, “…when Saturn starts to push you around, push right back.” Ok, I’ll try that. Gotta get outta bed first, though. Thanks, April. I love your take on things. -Nancy

  • Mike In the Southeast

    Solar Eclipse on my 4th cusp in cancer and man o’wo-man am I feeling the deep drudgery of this “Diamondic Configuration” as there is upheaval in my house with one roommate overdone on prescription meds, another one leaving and taking his alcoholic problem with him back to his parents home, and my girlfriend suffering woes of a somatic origin in her body. I am grieving the loss of an old friend who just passed a few weeks ago, and staring that Plutonic messenger right in the face. I am feeling the passing of things known as my twelveth house is washed with transiting Uranus’ call …”to be here now”!

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