Astrology Q & A: Building an astrology practice in a new city
I’m in a new town and I want to offer my classes to the public, eventually developing a way of offering my classes to corporations. Do you have any marketing ideas that can get me in contact with the right audience?
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Astrology Q&A: Where does the transit fall in my chart?
Q. Can you please advise how can I find out in which House of my Birth Chart is the New Moon? How do I find it? How about other transiting planets that you refer to in your articles? Help!
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Astrology Q&A: Whither Pluto?
“I am learning astrology and wonder – what would one do without Pluto?” I don’t know what one would do without Pluto, but I’d love to find out – maybe I can get a Pluto-ectomy! Oh, wait… I guess we all did….
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Beginners Corner: Cusps and interceptions
“I am totally stymied by cusps and inter-ceptions,” confided a reader in a recent email. Let’s see if we can sort out this out for you, shall we?
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