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CategoryZodiac Signs


Signs Aren’t People

When you read something like “Leo is magnanimous and outgoing,” your mind may immediately object that your August-born aunt is, in fact, shy and retiring. This is where the astrological skeptic proclaims victory and changes the subject. But allow me to gently reintroduce the topic….

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Aquarius New Moon: The Greedy Cusp

Technically, it’s a New Moon in Aquarius, as fixed and stubborn a sign as they come, and perhaps you’re living a life that is technically much the same as it’s been for ages. But it’s a New Moon with one foot, or maybe two, wiggling their toes in Pisces’ waters. You might find yourself wondering what it would be like to grab for two lives with both hands, instead of settling for just one….

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New Moon in Aquarius: Friend Me

At this New Moon in Aquarius, why not “friend” someone – whether on Facebook, or in line at the supermarket. There’s no obligation to develop a life-long, symbiotic relationship with everyone you meet – just the willingness to embrace everyone who crosses your path as a fellow traveler.

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Pisces: The Dustbin

The world is full of dirt and refuse and difficulty that collects in our odd corners, but Pisces avoids ninety-degree angles, swimming out to sea for regular baptisms. So no, Pisces brethren, you are not a psychic dustbin; you are the repositories of our collective wisdom, pain, and ecstasy.

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New Moon in Libra: Comparisons are Odious.

As an astrologer I’ve had to learn to get inside another’s skin and see the world through their eyes. But developing a heightened awareness of others can be a difficult skill to switch off at the end of the day. When you spend too much time looking through another’s eyes, it can be all too easy to lose track of your own truth.

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Full Moon in Aquarius: Looking for Lightning

Aquarius is an astrological change agent that works quite a lot like lightning; a fixed sign, it remains static for long stretches of time, as dependable and unchanging as a placid summer sky. But even while it’s standing still, Aquarius gathers energy like a cell phone plugged into its charger. When it accumulates too much, it needs to get rid of some – and it’s anyone’s guess where it will land.

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I Survived the August 2010 Cardinal (Anti-)Climax and all I got was this stupid t-shirt

When the Moon entered Cancer and Venus entered Libra on Friday,  the astrological world held its collective breath. These two fast-moving celestial bodies were, we felt, the catalysts that would galvanize the slow-building and long-anticipated cardinal t-square (Jupiter conjunct Uranus, opposed Mars conjunct Saturn, and all of them square Pluto) …

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Ever the fool

You can imagine how much fun it is for me each year when April 1 rolls around. On the one hand, my website traffic spikes enormously, thanks to Google searches like “April astrology.” On the other hand:”Oh, it’s April’s a Fool Day!” my friends loved to squeal when I was …

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