Sky Within Birth Chart Report
Your birth chart, sometimes called the natal chart, is the astrological map of your life’s character and promise. Each element of your birth – the day, the year, the time, the place – refines your astrological portrait. Put them all together and the result is a unique portrait of your personal characteristics, motivations, goals, dreams, and talents.
It might surprise you to learn that astrologers visit other astrologers for chart readings. It’s rather like an artist painting a self-portrait versus being interpreted on canvas by a master of the craft. When I feel like getting my astrological “portrait” painted, Steven Forrest is at the top of my list of favored artists.
In this 15+ page, automated report, Steven explores your birth chart with the wisdom and insight that have attracted thousands of people from all walks of life to read his books, get a reading with him, or study with him. It’s a simple report, but powerful and affirming.
View a sample report
Ordering your reports:
Since this report is based on your individual birth chart, it is NOT available for immediate download. Your report will be prepared and EMAILED within 24 hours of receiving your payment.
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- Your report will arrive by email within 24 hours!