Pisces New Moon: Xanadu
Under Neptune’s enchantment, we imagine our own Xanadu, our mystical dream world of utter bliss. It’s the gift of this New Moon season, then, to build our castles in the air, and to dream of living in them full time
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Pisces Solar Eclipse: We Ride
We ride with urgency, because something is at stake, something fine. It has something to do with the way it feels to love people, the terrifying, trapdoor sensation of losing them, the redemption we feel when we sacrifice ourselves for someone else. It is about the ecstasy of merging with our fellows, like stars collected in a single, throbbing galaxy. If we lose all of this—the bleeding, pierced, and sacrificial Piscean heart of it all—then the world becomes less than it could have been….
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Pisces Solar Eclipse: Wounds and Healers
For now, let’s stay with Pisces, and give the wound its due. But while it takes courage to acknowledge that it’s there, acknowledgement is not enough. We have to let ourselves grieve for our suffering, let ourselves be vulnerable to it—and then alchemize it into something useful.
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Aquarius New Moon: The Greedy Cusp
Technically, it’s a New Moon in Aquarius, as fixed and stubborn a sign as they come, and perhaps you’re living a life that is technically much the same as it’s been for ages. But it’s a New Moon with one foot, or maybe two, wiggling their toes in Pisces’ waters. You might find yourself wondering what it would be like to grab for two lives with both hands, instead of settling for just one….
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New Moon in Gemini: A World in Motion
This many fast-moving planets in retrograde motion, for months in a row, must be telling us something. To slow down and reconsider before we act, perhaps. To read the fine print. To reclaim territory that we ceded too soon. To revel in slowness, in stillness….
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New Moon in Pisces: Widening the Path
I’m becoming a bit of a fan of denial. God knows, all the worrying and obsessing and hairsplitting I’ve done in the past half-century hasn’t made me or the world one jot better or happier. During this Pisces season I find myself wondering: Will the world really come to a screeching halt if I pay the power bill a day late, ignore current events, or neglect my Facebook page for a week?
Read MoreThe signs of the zodiac
Signs of the Zodiac The signs of the zodiac, usually simply referred to as signs, are by far the most recognizable symbols of astrology. They represent the characteristics of 12 archetypal personalities that are based on the zodiac (from the Greek, “circle of animals”). The zodiac is a band of …
Read MoreNew Moon in Pisces: Deep Focus
What sometimes looks to the rest of the world like a lack of focus is actually Pisces looking deeply, unblinkingly, at something the rest of us just can’t see.
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Seasonal Astrology – Winter: Bare Trees
Winter’s cold, short days winnow out the weak from the strong, the complainers from the doers. And those born under winter’s constellations serve a similar, tonic function.
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Full Moon in Pisces: Let’s Get Lost
Today, I will get thoroughly and deliciously lost, happily scrubbing and sweeping and tossing and rearranging, setting my house – and my spirit – in order. Today, though I appear to be working very hard indeed, I am in fact resting – and very much at peace.
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