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New Moon in Pisces: Deep Focus

mrpittPisces seems to have a natural gift for happiness, instinctively relaxing and going where the river flows instead of fighting against the currents. Where Pisces lives in your chart, you may get farther by not trying so hard – by relaxing and floating instead of struggling to move in a particular direction.

Sometimes, we’re so focused on details that we miss the big picture altogether. In an episode of the TV series Seinfeld, Elaine’s boss, Mr. Pitt, has become fascinating – and frustrated – by a 3D art poster, struggling to find the “hidden” image he has been told lies within its seemingly random pattern of squares. Finally, he hits on a winning strategy: “You said keep your eyes out of focus, which is misleading,” he tells Elaine, his eyes staring wide and unblinking at the poster. “You want deep focus!”

Mr. Pitt had it exactly right. What sometimes looks to the rest of the world like a lack of focus is actually Pisces looking deeply, unblinkingly, at something the rest of us just can’t see.

At this über-Piscean New Moon, with every single personal planet (Sun through Mars, plus a bonus outer planet, Neptune) in the sign of the fishes, this is a good strategy for seeking happiness, as well. Don’t look too hard in a particular direction. Even the matters “ruled” by the Pisces houses in your chart (not sure which ones they are? Here’s a video to help you figure it out) will benefit from an indirect approach.

Sometimes we need to back away to get more perspective. Recently I decided to change my habit of marathon work sessions after reading an article by author Tony Schwartz in the New York Times. Schwartz describes writing a book in just a few months, and relatively painlessly, by breaking his workday into 90-minute segments for a total of about four and a half hours out of each workday. He came up with the approach after learning about research that found that humans move progressively from alertness to physiological fatigue about every 90 minutes. At Florida State University, researchers observed that top performers in music, athletics, acting, and chess practiced their craft in sessions of no more than 90 minutes, and no more than four and a half hours in a given day.

While I’d noticed that that working at my desk for hours at a time seemed to result in less productivity and extra weight, I had a work ethic that was based on years of working in office jobs for 40 hours a week. Other than two grudging, 15- minute breaks and an hour for lunch, one was expected to sit in a chair and work nonstop. Naturally, my coworkers and I spent at least a couple of extra hours each day expanding our coffee breaks, taking a longer lunch, or getting “lost” coming back from a trip to the restroom.

So for the past couple of weeks, I’ve been experimenting with Tony Schwartz’s model. During my 90-minute work stretches, I close my email program and switch the internet offline. During my breaks, I spend at least 30 minutes moving – running errands, washing dishes, taking a walk – and the rest of the time checking email or returning phone calls. And it really does seem to be the case that when I sit down again to work, the writing flows a lot easier than before.

With so many planets in Pisces, some vision is trying to make itself apparent to us… but to see it, we have to focus deeply, like Mr. Pitt looking for a spaceship in a 3D poster. We have to break up tasks into manageable segments and rest as much as we work. We need to look at the big picture instead of obsessing over the fine print. With the whole sky singing a song of Pisces, it’s time to learn to swim with the fishes. We’ll get farther faster – and enjoy the journey much more!

© 2013 April Elliott Kent

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15 comments to " New Moon in Pisces: Deep Focus "

  • When it comes to successfully completing my job search I need to focus deeply! So, I guess we will see where this is going to go. The things we do for MONEY. I hate compromising my worth for a penny.

    • Bernard, here’s a post I hope you will find helpful in your job search! Combining this and my “Working with the Moon” workbook (free to mailing list subscribers) can help you find the “mood” of the day and dress and present yourself in a way interviewers will find subliminally appealing. Good luck! 🙂

  • leisa

    Thanks that’s really informative 🙂 I like the 90 minute routine – it makes sense

  • Marly K

    “Sometimes we need to back away to get more perspective.”

    This is the second time today that I’ve read a phrase along these lines. The first time was in Arianna Huffington’s post about Sheryl Sandberg’s book. She mentions the French idiom “reculer pour mieux sauter” — to back up so as to make a better jump. Okay, one is perspective and the other is action, but I still think the Cosmos is telling me something.

  • Thanks for the 90 minute rule! Because I have an office at home, I have been pretty much already “doing time” this way while feeling guilty about it. Every day there are interruptions for meals, laundry, dishes, trips to the bank, grocery store, afternoon walks,and cleaning out my inbox! etc.etc. I have noticed that during these times I am processing what I have been diligently working on. Now I can actually consciously embrace and honor this “down time”.

    • Glad it helped you, Judith. It’s my natural way of working too (also a work-at-home person), and without the guilt I make better use of my non-work time as well.

  • I have really enjoyed your intuitive writings on the stars and all the above. I look forward to it coming each time cause it guides me back to the center of myself. This morning I imagined a new poster, in part being about the yin yang symbol. Half of it is all rainbow colored with a white center, and the other half is black. I have learned there can and needs to be a wonderful balance of love and business. So many folks let others do there business thinking for them and they need to learn to cover their own , you know.
    It’s what have been learning and I am so much happier all the time. Thanks for the insights.

  • Jane, you make a point that I think is really valuable, about doing your own business thinking for yourself. I’ve had to learn to move from the other extreme (doing too much myself and never delegating anything) to find the proper love/business balance! But I’ve known people who farm out everything they can – and it always makes me wonder how they can feel a strong sense of ownership over their business when it has so many other fingerprints on it. Admittedly, most people are probably a bit more collaborative than I am by nature!

  • Lana

    Well with the 5 planets transiting my same 5 personal planets in the 12th house in Pisces and Aries, I’m just trying to stay focused and go with the flow and not be institutionalized!!! lmbo Just doing my best (and it used to be better in my younger years), and I don’t take things to personally. BUT, wow people are sensitive. 🙂

  • Edith

    Dear April,
    this is my first comment on your blog. I just wanna say thank you for the 90 min rule, I was looking for some advice at this new moon (happening in my 5th house) after a difficult start in 2013.
    So sad to read all those comments on the NYT article, with so many unhappy and stressed people. I also thought about a post by Wendy Keller and what is keeping us from being happy and the fear as ego. I was blessed with a Piscean mentor male friend, and like many other Pisces has something good to say to those in need and connect with the unseen leaving a peaceful feeling behind.But at the same time they show great analytical skill (like an uber-Virgo/Scorpio), its like they see everything but know how to cope with it. Hope this energy will bring some peace of mind and understanding in our world.

  • Jennifer Rudin

    Despite much journaling, meditation and increasing receptiveness, the New Moon in Pisces filled my 12th House with much sorrow. I have my Pisces Sun there and a 29 degree Pisces Ascendent. I am “losing” my daughter, being scapegoated by her school and my insurance company, and facing a revision surgery. As my illness has progressed over the past 7 years, friends move on, leaving me isolated at home. While it sounds so “victim”, the reality is that I am losing physical and cognitive skills and have important matters that I would appreciate guidance with. I have been working with an astrologer born just two days after me, yet feel that I need someone more familiar with 12th house psychological/karmic issues. ( I am a pyschotherapist with considerable astrological insight. . and I have created a painful, very negatively Piscean life) Any references to insightful 12th house/Pisces people?

    • I’m so sorry, Jennifer – sounds like things are very rough for you now. I very much admire the work of Brad Kochunas, who has a strong background in psychology, though I don’t know if he’s oriented toward karmic issues. For that, you might want an evolutionary astrologer in the vein of Jeff Green/Steven Forrest. If any other readers have recommendations, please leave them here in a comment.

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