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New Moon in Pisces: Widening the Path

Yellow_Brick_Road2The degree of the March 1 Pisces New Moon makes a precise trine aspect to Jupiter. Big dreams and grand adventure would seem to be the order of the day. But Jupiter, whom we like to think of as an astrological Santa Claus, is mixing it up with Uranus and Pluto, gods of transformation. Embracing limitless vistas of imagination is all well and good; but when you open up your life, your mind, your heart, truly open them wide, things change—and not always in the way you had imagined.

The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon degree is, “Men traveling a narrow path, seeking illumination.”  Note the “narrow” part. For all that the New Moon in otherworldly Pisces is trine Jupiter, god of the wide and limitless horizons, most of us will spend this month doing what we normally do, going through the daily routines that keep our lives safe and manageable, with Jupiter adventures relegated to the occasional vacation.

It’s sensible to avoid risk, and change is undeniably risky. From time to time, though, the careful path grows unreasonably narrow and desperately unhappy. Have you ever had a conversation with someone who is doing his very best to convince you that not only is his life rotten, but that there is absolutely no way to make it better? The more suggestions or perspective you offer, the angrier he becomes. Astrologers encounter this all the time, and it’s frustrating to see a lot of great aspects going to waste in a client’s chart. It’s sad but true that you can lead a horse to Jupiter’s boundless lake of optimism and possibility, but you can’t make him drink.

Not all unhappiness is self-imposed. Sometimes, life sends us a steaming bowl of misery and dares us to turn it into something delicious. At those moments, most of us rise to the occasion; adversity is, in some measure, energizing. It’s the ordinary, day-to-day choices, the ones we make and the ones we refuse to make, that systematically narrow the range of possibilities and ideas available and leave us in darkness. It happens so gradually that we hardly notice.

Novice astrologers are surprised to learned that Jupiter was the traditional ruler of Pisces. What does the planet of adventure have to do with the spiritual seeking of Pisces? Well, opening the path to illumination requires a spirit of adventure, and sometimes leads to literal pilgrimages; these are the province of Jupiter. Spiritual seeking calls for mental discipline as well. Mercury symbolizes the function of collecting, processing, and disseminating data; he is the quick and agile monkey mind, perceptive and present. But he’s restless and indiscriminate, and unless we find a way to focus him he’ll run us in circles until we’re exhausted. When we’re able to organize our thoughts, our spirits have room to breathe.

At this New Moon, Mercury is not as much help as we might like. It has just turned direct, barely awake after a three-week retrograde sleep, and is approaching a square to Saturn. Saturn is preparing to turn retrograde the day after the New Moon, entering his half-year in the nocturnal world, presiding as the Lord of Dreams. Good luck retrieving the pass code to your logical mind, because Saturn is carrying it away with him in a locked strongbox; his gift to us, perhaps, a way of shutting down the monkey mind so that we can better enter the soulful dreamworld of the Pisces season.

Saturn’s withholding can look like a prison or a playpen, depending on your perspective. If you took away my computer or internet service, I’d complain bitterly. Yet I began a voluntary news fast about a year ago, and it feels great. I figure if there’s something I really need to know about, I’ll find it when I step out the front door. And in a way, ignoring the media lens that reduces vast issues to sound bites has actually made the world begin to open up and feel bigger to me.

Mind you, I’m not able to avoid everything. There is, after all, Facebook—though I’m trying to spend a lot less time on the internet in general and Facebook in particular. It all makes my Mercury monkey brain too noisy, like a toddler who’s eaten too much sugar. When I spend too many hours online, I feel that everything is moving too fast, that crisis lurks around every corner, and that there is no point trying to enjoy life because, as helpful people are eager to point out, everything I like or think is just awful. Instead of expanding my world, the internet sometimes makes me want to pull up the welcome mat put an extra lock on the door.

Perhaps my desire to ignore everything terrible is simply denial—one of the keywords assigned to dreamy Pisces, and usually described as one of its negative characteristics. I’ll tell you what, though: I’m becoming a bit of a fan of denial. God knows, all the worrying and obsessing and hairsplitting I’ve done in the past half-century hasn’t made me or the world one jot better or happier. During this Pisces season I find myself wondering: Will the world really come to a screeching halt if I pay the power bill a day late, ignore current events, or neglect my Facebook page for a week?

The Aries New Moon of Rebirth awaits us at months end, and my Pisces New Moon wish is simply to make myself ready for new adventures. I don’t think I’ll be taking the kind of giant Jupiterian leaps that are thrilling to onlookers. But adventures of the mind and spirit connect us to Jupiter as well, and retreat is sometimes best during Pisces’ season. I want to float down the river of denial and sing my crazy monkey mind to sleep. Perhaps my quiet wanderings will widen my path ever so slightly – just enough to make a little room for the light.

©  2014 by April Elliott Kent

13 comments to " New Moon in Pisces: Widening the Path "

  • Victoria

    I’m doing the same thing. There is just so much to read, so many people’s opinions, it’s overwhelming. Now I just skim some of the websites and read the headlines, I just don’t bother to read the stories. If a story is too upsetting to me I just stop reading it. Most of the disastrous things I’ve heard about in my 50+ years never happened and most of the ones I’m reading about now won’t happen either. Life is much too short for all this angst. Focus on the positive every day, that’s where happiness lies.

  • Angelica

    Great article. The words sprung out and highlighted many thoughts

  • Michele

    I agree April. The world can take care of itself. I am ditching.Facebook as much as I can and I feel so much better. I stopped watching the news at night ages ago. I see headlines and catch our lunch room at work. PBs news is better but I don’t even have cable so no news at night. Enjoy your dream time..I know I will!

  • Doris

    Beautiful take on this New Moon. Sounds spot on. Thanks!

  • April, you’re an astute astrology columnist. Your new moon write ups are always insightful, entertaining, eloquent and enlightening. Thank you for sharing your gift with the world.

    This Pisces New Moon, I would like to leave a comment in response to your mention of becoming “a fan of denial.” I watched my former Piscean partner (with a Mercury Cazimi) fall into that trap and literally die from it. So, if I may begin my comment by asking the question, should someone alert the ostrich with his head in the sand that imminent danger is near? If you were that ostrich would you rather be pre-alerted, or deal with the crisis as it hits? Ayn Rand said, “We can ignore reality, but we cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.” If you answered yes, I’ll send you a website link and I would be most interested to hear your opinion combined with your astrological knowledge. But if you answered no, (because of Jupiter’s precise trine with the Pisces New Moon) then I won’t open the can of worms. I don’t know if astrologers read this site, unless they are also investors. The information speaks directly and forcefully to the Uranus-Pluto square transiting the USA’s Cancer Sun. Ok, enough said for now. All the best, Vanessa (artist and creative mentor)

  • PS: I see the internet as Uranus, and the transformer of consciousness as Pluto… so their squaring tension is bound to result in a most decisive action, particularly with the fire of Aries and the rigidity, old traditions and solidity of Capricorn. There is a course of action to take prior to the breakout, but it is hard to realize.

  • Tanene K.

    You have a way April of hitting a cord with your writing/musings about how life is showing up for you. Provide illumination for what I am experiencing, providing more clarity. Think we need to make friends–at least peace–with Lord Saturn. Lessons in patience, persistence, discipline, hum–letting go. Just realized that Saturn has been crossing through my 10th house… I continue to look for work while attempting to create patience, …..and the whole list. Need to think about this one!

  • Rebecca Walker

    Great article. I am actually intending some illumination on a path that has become a little too narrow. I welcome a deeper connection to my inner Self and a little less internet chatter poisoning the well. Your words put a great spin on that.

  • Laura

    Hi April!
    I am not sure when I stopped watching television
    I think it was the cable bill and the rates that
    killed the tv for me! I no longer have the weight of the world
    on my shoulders and can focus without diversions big or small.
    It is my life and I choose to live it…Downton Abbey being the one

  • Kat

    I go into facebook once a week (Saturday usually, am with my coffee) and try to leave it at that. You are right, as it is a huge time suck. Every few weeks, I do a Sunday internet fast. It seems to clear the head. I have refused to get a smart phone (Though that is going to change now) as I did not want to be joined to it 24×7 as I have seen some do.

    Love your posts. Please keep up the good work.

  • Hey April
    Have been a lurker bunny for a few months now and just wanted to speak up today to say – thank you so much. I am loving your posts AND your newsletter each month.

    You always give me … food for thought. Not just a quick read – but stuff that sticks with me through the “moonth”. I truly appreciate it.

  • Joan


  • Hidden Moon

    Thanks April 🙂 I hope you’ve been receiving Jupiter blessings this week. It’s been a pretty interesting week, all of the sudden doors are opening where I’ve been standing, cold and alone, knocking persistently for a very long time. I’m puzzled and surprised, but walking in, never mind the tears in my eyes.

    Fairy dust!

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