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Taurus New Moon: The Mother Ship

We’re all looking for something timeless and abiding to hold onto in an age when everything on top of the earth seems to be spinning faster and faster toward chaos. And like an invisible Taurus mother, the good earth itself feels steady and stable beneath our feet—holding us up, catching us when we fall, and keeping us from wandering too close to the canyon’s edge….

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New Moon in Taurus: The Weight of the World

I pause each day to dutifully perform my determined little exercise routines – to remind myself to take part in the physical world, the present moment, and to inhabit my whole life – including my physical body, down to the feet that keep me rooted here. To remember to appreciate the opportunity to inhabit the physical world and learn from it. Even if only to breathe in the fragrant spring air and smile into the sun. Even if only to say, “Now!”

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December 21 Eclipse for Your Sign: Aries-Virgo

The December 21 lunar eclipse at 29 Gemini is not only ruled by Mercury retrograde, but the chart for the eclipse sports a flamboyant square from the Sun and Moon to Jupiter and Uranus in Pisces. What does this mean for your sign? Today, Aries – Virgo. Libra – Pisces follows tomorrow.

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Full Moon in Taurus: Grounded

For years I’ve thrown myself pretty enthusiastically into election seasons, and this one was no exception. After obsessing over polls and devouring political blogs for weeks, I had planned to surrender election Tuesday to all things electional – but fate, as they say, had other plans. Instead, I spent the …

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