Aquarius , Aries , Cancer , Capricorn , Everyday Astrology , Feng Shui , Gemini , Leo , Libra , Pisces , Sagittarius , Scorpio , Seasonal Essays , Taurus , Virgo
Seasonal Astrology: The Magic of Porches
For Americans who grew up during a particular era, a gracious front porch is a symbol of many warm memories. The front porch sheltered us from rain and sun and gave us a place to relax, imagine, and dream; it offered a sense of community and coziness, all in one.
Read MoreRevenge of the Bed, Pt. 2
When last we checked in with April and Jonny’s bed, it had been mobilized by Mars in Cancer into a particularly savage display of aggression. Today, a new and apparently fatal development in the battle of the bed: Jonny perched on the edge of the mattress this morning to don …
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