Now, Voyager: Jupiter Conjoins Neptune
As Jupiter and Neptune meet in a conjunction, we’re like voyagers set out to sea toward an uncertain destination. Jupiter promises wealth, prestige, or at least a grand adventure. But Neptune holds the rest of the story….
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Virgo New Moon: How Can I Help?
When the world’s pain and troubles — or our own — threaten to overwhelm us, beautiful Virgo reminds us that there is always something we can do to help.
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Episode 2 | Jupiter in Capricorn: Falstaff in a Business Suit
Astrologer/author April Elliott Kent and producer/co-host Jen Braun discuss the astrology of the first week of December 2019: Jupiter enters Capricorn for a year-long stay; the First Quarter Moon in Pisces urges us to act with heart; and the Sun squares Neptune.
Astrology and the Business of Being You
A question like “Where is my life headed?” may seem a trifle lofty for those of us who are just trying to get through each day and earn a living. But as Pluto, the planet of transformation, settles into career-oriented Capricorn for a nice long stay, it may be exactly the right one to ask.
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Neptune in Pisces: Surrendering to a new vision
Neptune has a reputation as the planet of deception and illusion, where we peer through dense fog for the vaguest outline of our path. I think that’s true, but I think it’s only half the story. It’s also the planet that gives us faith that we can find our way, and the intuition to find our path even when our usual compass doesn’t seem to be working. Neptune ultimately leads us, I believe, toward clarity and purpose. But this gift requires that we first let go….
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Eclipses: Magic in the Dark
Sometimes, momentous events take place without our noticing; it’s only in hindsight that everything seems clear, even preordained. This is often the case with eclipses. We wait with bated breath for something dramatic to happen on the day of an eclipse, or the week before, or (surely) a few days …
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Solar astrology this week: preparing to fly
The Sun is winding down its annual tour of Scorpio’s turgid bayou country, headed for the clear, open skies of Sagittarius (arriving on November 22). But as it paddles for the surface, the Sun makes aspects this week to three planetary giants: Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune. The transiting Sun’s trine …
Read MoreNeptune turning direct: The Fog.
I spent the last couple of days mostly on the couch, mindlessly surfing the net and taking long naps, eating leftover Halloween candy, almost completely unable to marshal my resources and get anything done. I figured it was a sort of social hangover after the push of hosting a big …
Read MoreJupiter and Neptune reunion
I discovered his music in 1982. I was working for a local newspaper group in Orange County, and one day on my lunch hour I wandered into a record store (remember those?) and this delicious pop music was playing. I immediately asked the clerk what it was, bought the album, …
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Sometimes, you CAN go home again
It was by no means the most important thing that happened today in the world – a day when Pres. Obama announced his first nominee to the Supreme Court, a day when the State of California upheld Proposition 8 – or even in my community (a horrible accident about a …
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