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Aries New Moon: The Taming

We start out as wild horses, all of us, and life is the process by which we’re tamed. Some of us are civilized by gentle masters who teach us restraint without breaking our spirits. Others were brutalized by cruel circumstances that taught us to trample everything in our paths. Most of us have encountered both types of master; some days we gallop, and some days we trample.

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Aries Full Moon: Keep Fighting

This Full Moon in Aries and square Pluto shines its light on a world full of fellow humans fighting for their lives —and the danger that we have learned to take such battles in stride. Pluto symbolizes not only the power we wield but also the power that fellow beings and nature hold over us—the sense that we are powerless and insignificant in the grand scheme of things.

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Aries New Moon: The One We Feed

Striking balance at this Aries New Moon offers some vital challenges. Instead of exciting your lower instincts with messages of anger, attacks, and retaliation, feed your positive Aries warrior wolf by taking positive action to support your beliefs. There is a fight going on inside you, and me, and every other person, too. Which wolf will win? The one we feed….

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Venus and Mars in Aries: Wild horses

Transiting Venus and Mars entered Aries last week, and over the past couple of days they made trines to Saturn in Sagittarius. Normally a deliberate and focused worker (with no Aries planets in my birth chart), I’ve had a devil of a time settling down and getting anything done.

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Spring: Faces of Mars

Loss and savagery, failure and ruthlessness, cruelty and hurt come to us inevitably as a natural consequence of Mars energy in the world — the price paid for progress — and we lose our innocent Aries enthusiasm soon enough; but over time it is broken down into the rich, emotional loam of Scorpio, from which beautiful things grow….

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Lunar Eclipse in Aries: We Lift Him Up

In our tiny, hand-picked communities, when someone gets sick or suffers some other tragedy it’s heartening to see others rushing to their aid. It’s good to be reminded that for all our fierce independence, we haven’t completely lost the knack of community; that we’re all members of the family, if we’ll just let ourselves be.

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