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Watch your mouth

arrrrrJust when I’m ready to throw Don Imus a bone for at least admitting his comments about the Rutgers women’s basketball team were offensive, he keeps coming out with the kind of tone-deaf comments that only make the situation worse. Basically, his message seems to boil down to this: “I know my comments were inappropriate – but they shouldn’t be considered inappropriate. I should be free to say exactly what I want about whomever I want, as is my sovereign right as a white, heterosexual man, and the objects of my so-called ‘humor’ should just suck it up.”

Grrr. And, sigh. Because there was a time I enjoyed Don Imus and his shtick. His Sun/Pluto conjunction is just about in line with my natal Mercury, and I liked his way with words; I rarely agreed with anything he said, but something about his delivery cracked me up – I’m a sucker for cranky old men. And I thought his philanthropic efforts on behalf of kids with cancer were laudable. But being kind to kids with cancer does not give you a blank check to be a jerk to everyone else. The problem is, Imus seems to believe that it should.

Those of us with planets in Gemini – Don has Venus there, currently being pounded by transiting Pluto; the guy is going to take a huge hit, financially, from all this – have to be careful about using language indiscriminantly. With the Moon in Gemini and square Pluto in Virgo, I have to be constantly vigilant against my own tendency to go for the cheap joke, to toss out a cruel bon mot just because the language is so irresistably clever. So without excusing the content of his language in the least – my opinion is, “Don’t let the studio door hit your ass on the way out, Don” – I kind of know where Imus was coming from. Don’s michief-loving Venus in Gemini has spent too many years slumming around in bad neighborhoods with people who didn’t call him on his jerkitude, and it’s gotten as out of control as a monkey on crack. It’s become an addled little Gemini gremlin that really enjoyed that nasty “nappy-headed hos” remark; I think something about the meter of it, the crisp symmetry of the consonants, just delighted him. It’s too bad that in Imus’ case, Gemini’s natural love of language is too often employed in the service of casual racism and misogyny.

The downfall of Don Imus is a cautionary Gemini tale, one that comes just at the end of Pluto’s sojourn through Gemini’s opposite sign, Sagittarius. It’s a tale worth contemplating with transiting Venus having just entered Gemini yesterday. This particular transit of Venus won’t have an easy time of it. Before leaving Gemini, Venus will square off with Mars and Uranus in Pisces and oppose Jupiter and Pluto in Sagittarius. Casual language and cheap jokes won’t find an indulgent audience – particularly not language that denigrates minorities or that is shocking for the sake of being shocking.

Interestingly, just this morning a radio program on my local NPR station was discussing a proposed “Blogger’s Code of Conduct” to address craven, obscene, and threatening comments posted to blogs. Personally, I don’t think there’s a need for anything quite as formal as that; it’s not that hard to moderate the comments on a blog and to maintain the kind of online environment you want for your readers. But Imus’ problems, and the outcry about threats against blogger Kathy Sierra, are a promising sign to those of us who decry the ugliness and violence that too often pass for public discourse.

9 comments to " Watch your mouth "

  • This is one hell of a fine piece of writing. You ought to be able to sell it somewhere… excellent!

  • Well said, April !

    Let’s hope that in future his audience is reduced by much more than half, and all advertisers refuse to support his show, which will mean he can retire. He should have done that some time ago, I reckon.

  • Michele Lessirard

    Well said my matey! Your posts always make me ponder and chuckle at the same time. Land ho don imus.

  • Warm thanks, astroblogging sisters. And of course, the stunning news this afternoon that CBS has cancelled Imus’ radio show! When was the last time a media outlet killed a golden goose in favor of taking the moral high ground?

  • I woke up this morning wondering if you had posted about this. And, Wh-lah, you did.

    Great post. I have been waiting for Astrologers to write about this event in regards to astology. I think it is so fascinating.

    I love Gemini. I totally embrace my Gemini Rising and all the fun it brings w. it. But, he can be a bit bi-polar at times. LOL! My only curse is that my natal Mercury is in Libra. Yep, I can see every side to an issue and that can lead to problems in making decisions. 😉

    My question in regards to his firing: is it really moral high ground? Or, advertisers pulling their millions of ad dollars?

    I have learned of some insigtful commentators this week. Ones, that I have not seen before, who are giving me lots to think about.

  • Michelle

    Very thoughtful and thought provoking analysis on the Imus event (seems like it’s become an “event” given the ongoing responses) as you review it in astrological terms, particulary in relation to Pluto and Pluto transits.

    I said something similiar to a co-worker: doing good deeds does not grant an automatic pardon for misdeeds. Believing that it does can lead one to a mistaken sense of entitlement, or that one has earned the privilege to be above others and human consequence. I said this in association with my experience of working for catholic church in the mid 90’s, when I observed around me “do-gooders” seemingly walking around blind/reckless/arrogant to their misdeeds/cruelty/harm (i.e. sexual scandals that cost the church and still is many $$$$) that they had done or were still doing as if their dark shadows were not a part of themselves — could not be a part of themselves — because they were such bright lights and exempt from such a thing as a fall from grace or the pulpit — or in Don’s case — the airwaves. Ah Pluto! The mid-90’s were the days — should say last days/degrees — of Pluto in Scorpio and initial entry in to Sagittarius.

    So it’s interesting to view and worth reflecting upon the the possible meaning(s) of the Imus issue/event — and the reactions — as Pluto hovers in these last degrees of Sagittarius.

  • Thank you, Nancy and Michelle. And Nancy, I’m sure the advertisers pulling out made a huge difference. Isn’t it great, though, that they did? It’s a start, at any rate.

    Michelle, here in San Diego the Catholic Church is the scandal gift that keeps on giving. Between that and all the Congressional investigations into the corruption of the current administration, it’s really amazing to watch something like 12 years of Pluto in Sag debris getting pulled out of the closet to be swept away, here in the final months before Pluto enters Capricorn.

  • Melody

    I meant to make a comment with the youtube link….

    for those who did not see or hear the actual commentary, astrology aside, his true colours are showing. Chauvinist among other things…
    I think the masks falling off are part of Pluto on the GC…