Thanksgiving was super. Exhausting, but great. The drive was straight-forward (but damn! five hours of driving in one day is a lot of driving), my family all got along, the food was terrific. Very Sun/Jupiter, Jupiter-into-Sag. Hurray!
I can’t say I’m enjoying Jupiter’s dying gasp in my 12th house, though, where he’s hanging on by his fingertips for a couple of more days before he finally hauls his portly ass onto the ledge of my ascendant. Oh, he looks harmless enough, this ebullient little Jupiter in Sag elf, but he’s dragging some serious 12th house toilet paper along on the bottom of his shoe. I’ve had a few dazzling psychological insights over the past couple of days that I really could have done without, thanks very much. So yes, the recent Scorpio Stampede through my 12th house is finally breaking up and beginning to move on to 1st house pastures, but all this means is that the rich psychological compost I’ve been turning over for the past few weeks is kind of spilling out all over the place. Some of it, in fact, is very old stuff that’s been getting churned over in my psyche for at least a full Jupiter cycle or two.
The last time Jupiter crossed my Ascendant, twelve years ago, my brother died and I escaped to a new city for awhile to deal with the aftermath. I don’t expect this transit to be quite so dramatic – after all, back then Jupiter was joined by Pluto – but it’s still enough to give me pause. I think when all is said and done, Jupiter is a symbol neither of great good nor great bad; it’s just a big, fat exclamation mark that gets placed at the end of anything it comes across. What have you got lurking in your mind, heart, and body? Jupiter expands it until there simply is no room to keep it inside any longer. Sometimes, I suppose, it explodes, a la Michael Richards.
One of my favorite diarists, Marn has been having some insights lately, too, as she cares for her beloved and ailing mother-in-law. Her latest entry – which is all about giving to the people we love in the way that’s meaningful to them – is a treasure. And don’t miss Michele’s New Moon in Scorpio ruminations, a great essay that’s all about how to kick that Scorpio toilet paper off our shoes. Enjoy!