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Thursday Thirteen, Vol. 17


Thursday 13

13 Reasons for My
Attitude of Gratitude

  1. My good health and the good health of everybody around me. Knock on wood – ’cause flu season’s coming, and the decreptitude of old age rapidly approaches.

  2. My good husband of nearly 14 years, half a Saturn cycle. There’s still no one else with whom I’d rather share a cup of tea and a good chin-wag.

  3. My brother and sister and their families; I’m glad we live close enough to share Thanksgiving together. And that our affection for each other generally trumps our occasional desire to throttle one another.

  4. Our home, which is a bit bigger than we need and more beautiful than we probably deserve.

  5. A grand group of friends – lively, funny, interesting, soulful, creative, activist people. My second family.

  6. Our neighbors, who with very few exceptions are really wonderful and helpful.

  7. Work that I love and the luxury of doing it. Not many of us grow up to do the work we wanted to do when we were children, but that’s pretty much what I’m up to these days. (Don’t tell anyone, you’ll jinx it!)

  8. Our two beautiful and eccentric cats, who make us laugh every single day and keep us on a schedule – theirs.

  9. An American public that has shaken itself awake in time to elect a Democratic majority to Congress. I’m trying to enjoy the feeling of enormous relief without letting my expectations become inflated.

  10. Living in a place where my everyday life is mostly peaceful, and certainly not routinely life threatening (except for the freeway, of course).

  11. Jupiter crossing my Ascendant next week. Hurray!

  12. Mmmm… Pie.

  13. The readers, clients, and fellow bloggers I’ve gotten to know through this website and blog, and through my work in astrology. Blessings, all, and the warmest and happiest of Thanksgiving holidays to you!

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