I would say the one-two punch of a lunar eclipse and transiting Saturn within orb of bitch-slapping my Ascendant certainly qualities. It’s fitting, then, that yesterday found me in the dentist’s chair, bracing for a long-delayed extraction. As it turns out, having a tooth pulled was by far the least painful/troublesome dental procedure I’ve ever had. I’ve had cleanings that were more uncomfortable. I entered the oral surgeon’s office at 1:00 p.m. and was on my way by 1:30 p.m. Approximately 29 minutes and 30 seconds of that time was spent waiting around in a cold office, practicing my deep breathing exercises while the local anesthetic did its magic. The other 30 seconds was… well, not something I’d take up as a hobby, but nowhere near as dreadful as a root canal. And when the local wore off? A couple of Tylenol and I barely knew anything had happened in there.
Except for the gaping crevice in my mouth, of course, which is weird and feels huuuuuge. Fortunately it doesn’t show (concerns about appearance are also represented by the Ascendant, which clearly has its hands full here in the land that plastic surgery built), even when I smile my widest – which is of course a relief, though it may hurt my chances of starring in a revival of Hee Haw.
Elsewhere, a good friend with real medical problems underwent successful open heart surgery on the day of the eclipse. Ten hours of uninterrupted knife time, and he’s doing very well. (No word on his surgeons; can you image operating on someone for 10 hours straight?!) I don’t have his chart handy, but I must say I was a little concerned when he told me the date of his surgery. What a relief that all is well!
Lynn and Jude amongst, I’m sure, other able bloggers pointed out John McCain’s Eclipse-to-Natal Sun woes related to alleged misconduct with a female lobbyist. The Schadenfreude, it is delicious.2/26/08 – Edited to add this link to Chris Brennan’s McCain post, thanks to Jeff in comments.