Certainly, eclipses falling in your 7th house (or in aspect to natal Venus, planets in your 7th house, or the planet that rules your 7th house) are signals that your relationship world is likely to be rocked by change. But all lunar eclipses, regardless of which houses they fall in, represent critical moments in evaluating relationships. At a Lunar Eclipse, the Sun and Moon are in opposition (Full Moon), an aspect that reveals us to ourselves through our personal interactions. The Sep. 17, 2024 Lunar Eclipse at 25º40′ Pisces reflects the degree to which we’re able to offer ourselves fully in mature, responsible, and mutually respectful relationships.
For those who aren’t in a romantic relationship, or are in one that isn’t going well, eclipses might well mark times of finding or ending a romance. But what if you’re in a romantic relationship or partnership that’s going just fine? Your union may come through these eclipses intact and strong, with only a few long-delayed adjustments. If the rest of your birth chart bears this out, however – and especially if this year’s eclipses are impacting those sensitive relationship areas I mentioned above – you may well find that your happy relationship isn’t as secure as it seemed.
On the other hand, romantic partnerships are not the only relationships in our lives (just the ones we’re most likely to be obsessed about). What about the 99.999% of the relationships in our lives that don’t involve yearning looks across a crowded room or intimate physical contact? What might the upcoming lunar eclipse have to say about the ordinary human connections among family members, friends, colleagues, and casual acquaintances? Here are some thoughts:
If you are born with the Sun or Ascendant near 25º40′ of:
Pisces/Virgo – Yours are the signs most likely to experience critical transitions in your romantic partnerships, closest friendships, and business collaborations. You may begin a new relationship, leave one that isn’t working, or make important changes in an ongoing relationship. For Scorpio in particular, this is an eclipse that requires you take a long look at the way you’re presenting yourself, how well you’re taking care of yourself, and how effectively you’re balancing your own needs with those of the people closest to you.
Aries/Libra – Look for charged relationships with co-workers, those in charge of your health care, service animals, spiritual advisers, hidden enemies, and those with whom you have an unequal relationship (for instance, employees, or those people whom you admire, but who don’t return your affection – or your phone calls).
Taurus/Scorpio– The relationships most likely to be impacted for you are those with friends, associates, and assorted soulmates, including: creative and political allies, your children and pets, those with whom you share love (or at least attraction) at first sight, fans of your work, and fellow members of community, fraternal, or trade organizations.
Gemini/Sagittarius – This eclipse suggests changes in your home and heart, and in your career direction. Where are you coming from – and where are you headed? Relationships especially subject to crisis and review are those between parents and children, between bosses and employees, and any relationship in which one person has more status than the other.
Cancer/Capricorn – The relationships most likely to be impacted by these eclipses include those involving neighbors, siblings, teachers, clergy, and fascinating foreigners. These are relationships that help us define ourselves in relation to our immediate environment as well as within a larger philosophical context.
Leo/Aquarius – Here’s where things are likely to get a little sexy, because the relationships most likely to be impacted by these eclipses are those involving your earnings, possessions, security, shared resources, and physical and/or psychological intimacy – including your therapist, your financial manager, and, yes, the person/persons who share your bed.
The Lunar Eclipse is at 25º40′ Pisces on Sep. 17, at 7:34 pm U.S. Pacific Time.
For more thoughts about eclipses in your chart, visit my eclipse astrology page for articles and information about my exclusive eclipse report, Followed by a Moonshadow!