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Errata: Essential Guide to Practical Astrology

essential guide practical astrology
essential guide to practical astrologyYou know, I’m fairly proud of my book The Essential Guide to Practical Astrology. On the other hand, it was written at a feverish pace and edited faster than my feeble brain could cogitate. When you’re working at that speed, mistakes get made. Errors of oversight are committed, bizarre leaps of logic, dubious grammar.

I’ve found at least one that, while truly innocent, nevertheless made me feel completely awful. (See the comments section below for an explanation.) And since it’s obviously too late to do anything much else about it, I’ve started this post to record such boners for posterity. Likewise, should you find anything in your travels through the book that seems weird, illogical, or just plain wrong, please leave a comment! You never know… maybe we’ll get a second printing, and another shot at getting it right.

11 comments to " Errata: Essential Guide to Practical Astrology "

  • Okay, here’s the blunder that inspired this post. In Chapter 13, “Your Social Circle: Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn,” I originally planned to use Steven Forrest’s wonderful analogy for Mars – in which he posits that with Mars, you have a choice to be the hunter or the prey. The original text gave a doff of the hat to Mr. Forrest, who is brilliant, one of my favorite astrologers, and a real gentleman.

    In the process of editing, though, we were having trouble getting the analogy to work the way we wanted and for a time, it was taken out, along with the reference to Steven. Eventually we figured out how to make it work, and the references to hunter and prey made their way back in the descriptions of Mars in Signs and Houses – but alas, we overlooked replacing the credit to Steven Forrest in the introductory part of the section.

    Given my respect for Steven Forrest and my loathing for anything that smacks of plagiarism, you can imagine how I felt when I realized the error, chatting with a friend about that chapter! Naturally I’ve apologized profusely to the man himself who, typically, was gracious and cool about it. And now, I’m off to don a hair shirt and get some cat-o-nine tails.

  • I saw your book in the store last weekend. I only had a minute to look through but I liked the idea of Jupiter in Taurus being too satisfied with what it already has. That interpretation is quite different than the usual greedy/avaricious one, and it fits me better 🙂

    • That’s nice feedback, Michelle – thank you! If you think you might want to review the book for your blog, e-mail me your address and I’ll get a copy of the book sent to you. 🙂

  • corinne

    I purchased the Kindle version of the book and not all of the images come through; some of them have a ? in a box. I suspect they’re items like glyphs. Not a huge issue but there may be a fix for that.

    • Corinne, thank you so much for letting me know! I didn’t notice the problem in my Kindle version, which I’m viewing on my iPad with a Kindle application. Are you viewing it on an actual Kindle? And can you give me a page number with an example so I can forward it to the publisher? Thank you – and thank you for reading the book!

      • Corinne

        I am reading it an actual Kindle. One example is Chapter 7, Water Signs. When I look at the header for my sign, I see “Cancer, the Crab” and there’s a ? inside a square. At the end of the section, under “Cancer Fast Facts,” it appears next to “Glyph–Crab’s claws”.

        Hope that helps. I left a review on Amazon as well.

      • corinne

        One other thing I noticed today on my Kindle: The tables are hard to read, e.g., the alphabet (sorry don’t have my Kindle at hand!) and the sample with Drew Barrymore.

        • Thanks, Corinne. I have to take some of the blame for the difficult to read tables and charts… they’re a bit hard to read even in the print version. Just very complex graphics and hard to chop down to size. :

  • Jan

    Hi April,
    Learning from your book and enjoying it too!
    Have a question pertaining to the waning gibbous moon on pg. 294, is the little moon drawing next to ‘waning gibbous moon’ actually a waning crescent moon and the ‘waning crescent moon’ drawing on pg. 295 is the waning gibbous moon? Looks like the sketches are vice versa in other words.

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