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Gemini New Moon: Pinwheels

gemini-pinwheels-300If time seems to be moving especially fast these days, you may have gotten swept up in the energetic vortex of the approaching New Moon. The chart for the exact moment of the New Moon (June 4, 2016, at 7:59 pm Pacific time, 14.53 Gemini) features the Sun and Moon in a close conjunction with Venus, all in Gemini; they are just past an opposition to Saturn, and all four are square Jupiter and Neptune.

It’s a configuration called a Grand Cross, with at least one planet in each of the four cardinal, fixed, or mutable signs. And if you’re wondering what that might feel like, just picture yourself stuck on one of those circus wheels where they strap you on, spin you around, and throw knives at you.

But!—since this Grand Cross lies in the imaginative mutable signs, here’s a lovelier, lighter image. Picture a brave, shiny little pinwheel, catching the high afternoon winds and spinning furiously. Eventually, the winds will die down. In the meantime, how do you keep the whirligig from blowing away?

Look to the New Moon chart again, and you’ll find an earthy grand trine involving Mercury, Jupiter, and Pluto. There’s your anchor. Just walk over to that big planter box on the balcony and stick your little pinwheel deep into the soil, where it can safely spin to its heart’s content.

The Gemini season boasts the perfect cosmic weather for exploring ideas. What do we want to learn? What sorts of people would be interesting to visit? Which are the books that belong on your summer reading list? Nothing in this month’s planetary picture should discourage you from brainstorming your Gemini heart out.

But at this particular moment, it may be the case that one idea immediately collides with another, and then another, and another, until your mind is racing and you feel like you did as a kid, spinning around and around until you collapsed dizzily on the front lawn.

Heed the sensible advice of Mercury, Jupiter, and Pluto in pragmatic earth signs, which wisely point out that you can do anything you want to do—you just can’t do it all at the same time. Focusing on just one thing is the best way to slow the wheel when it starts to spin out of control. You’ll need to focus, hard, on your single most compelling idea, and broaden that picture in your mind until it glows with possibilities. Then make a plan and—this part is key—take a concrete step, however small, toward making it a reality.

In keeping with Gemini’s insatiable interest in multiple perspectives, here are links to a collection of Gemini New Moon essays from my archives. I hope you enjoy them… one at a time!

© 2016 April Elliott Kent

road-polaroid-200Road Trip

It’s so easy to trivialize Gemini, to dismiss it as a fickle, gossipy, lightweight sign. But that is a young person’s way of looking at it, the perspective of someone who hasn’t yet learned about the tyranny of definition. When you’ve spent decades writing, editing, and telling your own life stories, you begin to see Gemini quite differently.

Read the full article…

newmoon-gemini-150A World in Motion

This many fast-moving planets in retrograde motion, for months in a row, must be telling us something. To slow down and reconsider before we act, perhaps. To read the fine print. To reclaim territory that we ceded too soon. To revel in slowness, in stillness….

Read the full article…

george_smlHappiness, Gemini Style: Stay Curious

What I love about Curious George is his insatiable interest in the world around him. Partly, he’s motivated by pure mischief, but mostly he’s just … well, curious; and his lively interest in the world leads him to see possibilities the rest of us might not consider….

Read the full article….

awesomeYou Name It

You’re not your failures. You’re not your successes. You’re not the name your family gave you, or the cruel nicknames you were given on the schoolyard. At this liminal, magical New Moon, remember everything else that you are. Imagine yourself differently, and give that imagining a bright and joyful name all its own. It’s never too late to be someone new….
Read the full article….

4 comments to " Gemini New Moon: Pinwheels "

  • This sounds about right haha. The energy lately has definitely been on a wheel of sorts! Making sure we take advantage of that rootedness makes me feel a whole lot safer!

  • Alexandra

    Like you, I rarely look at my own transits. However, the new moon will be exactly on the degree of my sun, and I was told that my ASC will be involved since it’s a Cardinal sign. (Virgo sun 6th house, Aries ASC, Aquarius moon 11th) The perfect storm happened on the 18th of May and my chart received so many exact hits including Rx Mars, trans. Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto. When I say exact, I mean within 5-7 minutes … I’m at a loss and overwhelmed. Normally Mercury is grounding for me, but with Jupiter still closely conjunct my Natal sun stellium, keeping my words and opinions to myself is a real challenge.
    Thank you for all you do. I really enjoy and get a lot out of your articles. It’s time for me to start paying more attention to my own transits.

  • Helen Alksnys

    oh my god, April, have you been inside my head? i feel like i am making the same to do lists over and over and over and over…YES! jam it in the earth – oh what great advice re the pinwheel… i am literally sitting here picturing myself jamming my feet into the earth, okay….. the pinwheel in my head is still going.. but i don’t feel so panicky now…. okay.. okay…. breathe….. thank you xoxo 🙂

  • tricia

    thanks for that pinwheel planted in the earth analogy!! i’ve been struggling to make sense of this whole grand cross taking place on my venus in pisces, and that helps a lot.

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