That’s it. This bed is a toxic mixture of weakness and vengeance, and it must be replaced.
The irony is this. Today I was scheduled to participate in an experiment my friend Simone is conducting, exploring the intersection of astrology and feng shui. Her theory is that one might note the house of the horoscope where the New Moon falls, and perform a ritual to strengthen the Gua of one’s home that fits the symbolism of the astrological house. Today’s New Moon (at 11.32 Cancer) falls in my 8th house, the house of shared resources – a house of wealth, so my assignment was to perform a ritual in the wealth Gua of our home. Which is – you guessed it – the master bedroom.
I’m not sure breaking the bed is what the Gods had in mind. But this will certainly have an impact on our shared resources; replacing this bed won’t be cheap.
Where does today’s New Moon fall in your chart? Consider strengthening the relevant area of your house as part of your New Moon observances (New Moon exact tonight at 10:19 pm EDT). From the perspective of your home’s front entrance, superimpose the bagua onto the rooms of the house.
Simone suggests the following correlations between the houses of the horoscope and your home’s bagua:
First House: Career
Second & Eighth Houses: Wealth
Third & Ninth Houses: Knowledge
Fourth House: Family
Fifth House: Creativity & Children
Sixth & Twelfth Houses: Health
Seventh House: Love & Partnership
Tenth House: Fame
Eleventh House: Helpful People
Report back in comments, and I’ll pass on your results to Simone!