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Pucker up – Lemmys!

When my friend, astrologer Fern Feto Spring (calm, wise, and soulful voice of told me she’d nominated me for a Lemmy award, I didn’t know what the heck she was talking about. Then my stats log turned up a nomination from the awesome Joyce Mason (I had no idea she even knew I existed), and then Urania of Urania’s 9th House, one of my earliest astroblogging buddies, honored me with a nod. And now Jessica of Moonkissd (whose ebullient style clicked with me from the first moment I found her blog) has included me on her list!

Well, goodness. Everyone likes an award, and as a Leo I probably like them better than most – so thank you, ladies, for the kind recognition.  I don’t exactly know how all this Lemmy business got started, but apparently the idea is to honor blogs with a good attitude (mine? REALLY?) – as in, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Here are the rules:

  1. Put the logo on your blog or post.
  2. Nominate at least 10 blogs which show great Attitude and/or Gratitude.
  3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
  4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
  5. Nominate your favorites and link to this post.

I certainly don’t want to be a poor sport, but this assignment poses certain perplexing quandaries. For one, many of the blogs I like best have a bad attitude (though I suppose it’s the tartness of lemonade that makes it so refreshing). And also, this kind of thing can quickly devolve into the sort of popularity contest we all loathed in high school, leading inevitably to a miasma of bruised feelings, the gnashing of teeth, rending of garments, etc.

Then, too, I have a confession to make: I don’t read a lot of astrology blogs these days. This has nothing to do with a dearth of great blogs; quite the contrary. It’s just that I found in reading everyone else’s take on things, I no longer knew what I thought, and I was paralyzed trying to come up with something that hadn’t been covered – usually better – by a dozen other bloggers by the time I got around to it.

But I do sneak in a few (and have found at least one new favorite, Lucy Looking Upward, from Jessica’s list), so I will take this opportunity to honor the last ten astrology blogs in my browser history (the sincerest – and most diplomatic – form of flattery?). Please note that I’ve omitted the bloggers who’ve nominated me from this list, in favor of pimping them in my opening paragraph. They really are among my favorites, and I notice some folks are nominating those who nominated them; but I wanted this post to include as many blogs as possible! Nevertheless, consider yourselves hugged, thanked, and sneakily nominated in return, ladies. (For a more comprehensive list of blogs I enjoy, see my blogroll and visit every dang one. I don’t add just anyone, ya know!)

SasstrologyJeff Kishner is my cranky astroblog soul brother and I’m sad that he no longer has the time to blog as often as he used to. But then, who am I to talk? Still, he fills his clever Sasstrology site with so many kick-ass writers – Matthew, Fern – that it’s still one of my favorite bookmarks.

Astrological Musings at BeliefnetLynn Hayes is a treasure. I don’t know of anyone who has a bad word to say about her. She’s generous, she’s prolific, she covers all the big stories immediately and with a solid astrological angle. Much love for Lynn.

Dana’s MoonBlog at MooncirclesDana Gerhardt is my home girl, my sometime collaborator, and my perennial inspiration. After years of writing articles for TMA and extended essays for Mooncircles, she’s recently taken to blogging like the proverbial fish to water. Her posts are pitch-perfect little gems about motherhood, womanhood, and the baffling times in which we live.

New Moon JournalMichele Lessirard‘s blog is a richly creative stew of astrology, shamanism, personal anecdotes, and beautiful artwork. So many of us write about the New and Full Moons that it’s hard to come up with a fresh angle, but Michelle gives me something new about these lunations every single time.

Gryphon Astrology BlogNina Gryphon writes mostly about horary astrology, which I find fascinating although personally I can’t get the hang of it. Nina sets forth her process in a sensible, logical fashion that makes it all seem deceptively simple.  Plus, she gets bonus points for the sheer prettiness of her blog.

Elsa, dear Elsa – There’s a good reason Elsa is on everyone’s blogroll and is one of our most beloved bloggers – she has a distinctive voice, a rapier wit, and a big heart. Plus, she’s been known to get scratchy when idiots start giving her grief – and that’s one of the things I like best about her.

Molly’s Blog at – After the departure from of Dr. Z, the unenviable task of filling his estimable shoes as astrologer-on-call fell to Molly Hall. And while we still miss the Zodiac Master, Molly has done a really fabulous job in her own right, covering astrology from every angle for a site with a broad and complex readership.

Matthew the Astrologer – No one in astrology (and not many outside of it) is as funny as Matthew. No one. He is zany and irreverent and can really write. Give it up for our astroblogger cousin from the frozen Canadian tundra.

Astro-Pol – My fellow San Diego astrologer Terry Lamb has one of the sharpest astrological minds around and is a damn fine political analyst as well. Her political blog is among my favorites.

Living ConstellationDave Mockaitis is a collage artist and astrologer who offers solid astrology and some really intriguing pictorial interpretations of the Sabian Symbols. I forget how I even stumbled across his blog, but these days it’s one of my favorites.

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