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Thursday Thirteen Vol. 16

thursday 13 the bruce campbell way!

13 Astrologically Noteworthy Dates
for Your Calendar

(This week’s title image is apropos of absolutely nothing except my desperate celebrity crush on actor/writer/smartass Bruce Campbell.)

  1. Nov. 12: Venus square Saturn – The coda to another Venus/Saturn square back in June. Money and love feel like hard work; comparing yourself to others is painful. Suck it up and ride it out for a few days, because…
  2. Nov. 15: Venus conjunct Jupiter – Today, on the other hand, money and love feel fantastic, and comparing yourself to others is either joyful and validating or never occurs to you at all. Gamble on love and party while you can, for tomorrow…
  3. Nov. 16 Sun square Saturn – … you’re down for the count. Especially you Leos. Mind your backs – they tend to go out when the Sun, your ruler, squares Saturn. Learning our Saturnine limits isn’t easy… and it doesn’t help that Venus is hanging around at the end of Scorpio, which can feel sort of miserable as well. Basically, this is a great day to lay low if you possibly can. Especially since tomorrow…
  4. Nov. 17 Venus enters Sag; Mars square Neptune; Mercury direct. – Holy hell – that’s a lot of unstable energy for one day! A lousy day for travel, so if you’re getting a head start on your Thanksgiving vacation and that involves going out of town, you have my sympathies. Take what precautions you can: Allow yourself plenty of extra time to get anywhere or do anything, charge your cell phone in advance, carry along a good book, pack an extra toothbrush, check your spare tire.
  5. Nov. 19 Uranus turns direct – Unleash the crazy! Uranus went retrograde at the beginning of August, and all the wild, unpredictable, iconoclastic impulses we’ve been repressing since then now beg for outward expression.
  6. Nov. 20 New Moon 28 Scorpio – Celebrate the mysterious forces of life that defy prediction and rational explanation, and assert your New Moon intention to live in ecstatic wonder. Seriously.
  7. Nov. 21 Sun conjunct Jupiter – A day of overreaching optimism and confidence verging on hubris. Hope, dare, and dream, but know your limits – or at least entertain the possibility that you might have some!
  8. Nov. 22 Sun enters Sagittarius – Revved up by yesterday’s Sun/Jupiter square and already feeling the tingle of tomorrow’s Jupiter > Sagittarius ingress, today is the day to release your arrow from its bow. What you lack in aim, you make up for in enthusiasm.
  9. Nov. 23 Jupiter enters Sagittarius – Back in December 1994, when Jupiter last entered Sagittarius, an ideologically brash Gingrich Congress prepared to take over Washington D.C. Thanks to the recent election, the diametrically opposed Democratic Congress now prepares to take Capitol Hill by storm – just as Jupiter enters Sagittarius. Will it all end up as dreadfully for the Dems as it did for Gingrich and Co.? Tune in 12 years from now, when Jupiter enters Sagittarius again.
  10. Nov. 25 Venus square Uranus – What can I say? Love is crazy, man. Teetering relationships tip over like balsa wood. Friends fall out. Gadgets spontaneously combust and drain your bank account. But none of it is exactly unexpected; it’s all been building up since the Venus/Uranus opposition in September.
  11. Nov. 28 Mars square Saturn – Animal instincts are thwarted, caged, leashed… and extremely frustrated. All this energy can be applied to overcoming knotty problems and moving matters forward in your life, but beware of wasting energy on things that simply will never budge no matter how hard you push.
  12. Dec. 2 Sun square Uranus – Shook up, accident-prone, and extremely rebellious energy rules the day. If you’ve been looking for a moment to leave the situations that aren’t working in your life, today is it – your very own independence day.
  13. Dec. 4 Full Moon in Gemini – Just when all this Sagittarius/Jupiter energy makes you think you’ve got it all figured out, along comes the Full Moon in Gemini to raise a lot of irritating – yet intriguing – questions to make you doubt yourself. Believe it or not, that’s a good thing.

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5 comments to " Thursday Thirteen Vol. 16 "

  • Thanks for the summary of things to come – looks exciting! I’m looking forward to Jupiter entering Sag – talk about thanksgiving!

  • Hey! Sure that’s not Sun *conjunct* Jupiter instead of square on the 21st? I’m kinda looking forward to the roller coaster, as the conjunction is square my natal Sun/Merc conj.

  • Maria, how right you are! That’s what I get for putting this thing together when I was half asleep on Thursday night. I have made the correction – you shall have your double-barreled roller coaster o’ Jupiter fun!

  • Woohoo! I’m a-gettin’ in the little coaster car right now!

  • I just wish that the Sun and Jupiter conjoined in Sagittarius, not Scorpio. What a powerhouse combination that would be; Sun in triplicity and Jupiter in its own sign. In any case, Jupiter hasn’t been strong since its passage through Cancer a few years back, so this is most welcome.


    PS: April, I love your blog – it is totally fabulous. I have added it to my blogroll so my visitors can enjoy it too.