Man… parade a gazillion planets through a girl’s twelfth house and she just disappears from sight, huh? Next time you’re confronted with a chart that has a metric ton of planets in the twelfth house, here’s a delineation to try out: “You just want to be left alone to enjoy your rich inner life.” If those planets are in Scorpio, you can feel free to add something like, “And you get pretty grouchy when people keep poking at you.” Watch your client’s eyes light up with amazement and validation!
Lots of work around here on a certain top secret project; more info after the first of the year. Also, much jubilation over the outcome of the recent election. It feels like a large boulder has been rolled off and the blood is slowly oozing back into my veins. Please, folks, let’s fix this voting system, revive and defend habeus corpus, repudiate torture, and administer triage to our struggling and beleaguered military.
Mercury retrograde has been a cakewalk. I had to reinstall one application on my computer, and my laptop is doing something weird, but otherwise I can’t complain. My pet theory is that Mercury retrograde is far more troublesome when Mercury is in a sign that it rules. I have nothing to back me up on this, mind you; it’s just something I’ve noticed.
Well, that’s it for now – back to the Bat Cave. I’ll scrounge something together for Thursday Thirteen, and maybe a little something for the New Moon, since I’m not writing an article this time (I’m switching back to Full Moons). Until then, hugs and kisses.