Instead, I dropped my cell phone into the toilet. I guess that’s a legitimate, if little explored, interpretation of what can happen when Uranus (technology) in Pisces (water) collides with a sensitive point in your chart. Without getting into particulars, I can report that my stalwart phone was still almost fully operational following its Esther Williamsesque plunge – except for its LED screen, which was utterly blank, a proverbial tabula rasa. Other than the cootie factor, clearly a blank, expressionless phone was not going to get the job done; a well-documented phoneaphobe, I need to be able to read the display to see whose call I’m considering not taking.
Quote of the day came from my Uranus-rising cousin whose response to the tragedy was a hearty “bwahahaha!” followed by “a moment of silence to honor your fallen (in) comrade.” Perhaps inspired by her characterization of my “comrade” I trudged off to the mall yesterday and came home with my brand new, RED phone, which I’ve dubbed, with some irony, John – a nod not only to his predecessor’s Waterloo (so to speak), but also to journalist and communist sympathizer John Reed.
I don’t even like to think about what might happen the day transiting Uranus opposes my natal Mars.