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Progressed Moon changing signs: Empty spaces

We spent the last week transforming the front bedroom of the house – which had disintegrated into a cluttered, chaotic “catch all” –  into a guest room. My handy spouse repaired the stained glass windows, which were in desperate need of new latches and new seals, took apart the built-in bookcase and reconfigured it to fit another wall, and built a headboard for the bed. I painted everything that wasn’t nailed down, and quite a lot that was.

In the process of clearing the room, we got pretty ruthless about culling old, unneeded stuff. Our trash and recycle bins are filled to the brim. Several old but usable pieces were set out at the curb with “free” signs and taken away to new homes within hours.

Finally, late yesterday we moved the queen sized guest bed out of my office and into its pretty new home. Now my father’s round, oak table occupies the center of my office, and thanks to Jonny (with an assist from Ikea) I have a bright red bookcase for my collection of astrology books (which, now that I see them all in one place, is startlingly large). Best of all, after many years of squeezing around the guest bed, which practically filled the room, I have space to walk around in here.

It feels glorious.

Except it also feels… well, kind of empty. Coincidentally, my progressed Moon sits today at 29.58 Pisces, the very last, “finishing up” minutes of the zodiac’s last sign. Along with the transiting Sun, Mercury, Mars, and of course Uranus all in Pisces, I really have that feeling of “letting go” and clearing out space, physically and emotionally. To some extent, I suspect the end of any progressed planetary cycles feels a bit that way, as we transition from one mode of experiencing the world and into another. But Pisces, in particular, symbolizes the soul’s unconscious, where we process random images, thoughts, and feelings as though in a dream state.

Newly empty spaces – empty of old junk, or of things, people, or experiences that we would have preferred to keep a bit longer – can feel like hunger, uncomfortable and anxiety producing. The impulse is strong to rush to fill them with something – anything. But with the progressed Moon entering Aries, I know that soon enough I’ll be happy to be traveling lighter – able to move faster and more efficiently toward a more energetic future. I can hardly wait.

With so many planets currently in Pisces, are you processing and making space for new things in your life?

11 comments to " Progressed Moon changing signs: Empty spaces "

  • Kelly

    April – yay for you! SP Moon in Aries is a fabulous time, I travelled lots, worked quite a bit and generally got stuck into life in new and exciting ways. And the confidence that goes with it! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!!

  • I’m waiting for everything to get into Aries, that’s my clearing out the junk time since it will all land in my 8th house. This Pisces buildup is in my 7th house. I just want to be with my honey 🙂

  • marina

    April this is a fabulous article and understand the feeling. I’ve been spending the last year cleaning , throwing away or recycling stuff, painting rooms, pulling carpet and putting in laminate floors. A general purification and it feels really good. I even traded in my trusty Beetle for a new Honda, all ready for the Aries transits.
    I can visualize that red (Aries) bookcase, I’ll bet it’s beautiful!

  • Kathleen

    After looking at my progressed chart and seeing that my progressed Moon is at 29.59 Cancer, it totally explains my obsession with geneaology these past two years, and since my progressed Moon moves into Leo in the next few days, I look forward to harnessing that transitional energy too! Thanks for the article, April 🙂

    PS. All this Pisces energy (& Neptune in late Aquarius) has been totally opposing my Leo/Virgo stellium in the 6th…would this explain the total career fog I’ve been under lately?

    • Kathleen – Oh, progressed Moon in Leo is such fun! Enjoy that. You can start throwing family reunion parties for all the peeps you’ve met through your geneaology research. 🙂

      I always associate the 6th house with work vs. career, if you get what I mean. The 10th house is more of a career thing, I should think, as far as the overarching themes of you “calling” and what you consider to be your life’s work. But Neptune opposing a 6th house stellium? Yeah… sleepwalkin’ at work!

  • Woohoo!

    The very day a friend’s Moon progressed into Aries in the 9th, she was awarded a divorce. (It was totally amicable and they’d been separated for many years. Just hadn’t had the money, incentive or time to do all the paperwork.) Talk about letting go and clearing the way!

  • Yeah, April, on creating new guest room and fresh office space. I think separating the two can only help the feng shui in your wonderful abode. Kudos to you and Jonny on a job well done. Looking forward to viewing (and feeling!) the freshness next time I’m there.

  • Lisa

    I found this article by searching for ‘progressed moon in Pisces’. Mine is 1.19 Pisces right now, and coincided with feeling dreamy and not really wanting to leave the house. I’ve a renewed interest in meditating and metaphysics, and I’ve begun a process of clearing out trapped emotions in my subconscious using a process called the Emotion Code. I just moved in with my Aquarius boyfriend (who I met when my moon was progressing in Aquarius in the 7th) to an apartment down the street from my favorite beach and closer to friends who do energy healing, astrology, etc. I feel so withdrawn and odd, and just want to heal. Also, I recently cleared out my apartment and moved after living there for ten years. It was a huge purge.

    Anyway, I love your post about this. It puts a lot of things in perspective, and it’s nice to see there is some Aries light at the end of the tunnel. Towards the end of the progression, the moon will also touch down on Chiron and Saturn in the 9th. Fun.:)

  • Lolabelle

    I’m at progressed moon Pisces 28.48 and I am feeling Ariesey (I just made that up…something an Aires would do!) already. I first became aware of progressed moons 30 years ago, just when I was where I’m at now. I remember being pretty reckless, last time around in Aries. This time, I just want to take care of ME, for a change.

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