In the process of clearing the room, we got pretty ruthless about culling old, unneeded stuff. Our trash and recycle bins are filled to the brim. Several old but usable pieces were set out at the curb with “free” signs and taken away to new homes within hours.
Finally, late yesterday we moved the queen sized guest bed out of my office and into its pretty new home. Now my father’s round, oak table occupies the center of my office, and thanks to Jonny (with an assist from Ikea) I have a bright red bookcase for my collection of astrology books (which, now that I see them all in one place, is startlingly large). Best of all, after many years of squeezing around the guest bed, which practically filled the room, I have space to walk around in here.
It feels glorious.
Except it also feels… well, kind of empty. Coincidentally, my progressed Moon sits today at 29.58 Pisces, the very last, “finishing up” minutes of the zodiac’s last sign. Along with the transiting Sun, Mercury, Mars, and of course Uranus all in Pisces, I really have that feeling of “letting go” and clearing out space, physically and emotionally. To some extent, I suspect the end of any progressed planetary cycles feels a bit that way, as we transition from one mode of experiencing the world and into another. But Pisces, in particular, symbolizes the soul’s unconscious, where we process random images, thoughts, and feelings as though in a dream state.
Newly empty spaces – empty of old junk, or of things, people, or experiences that we would have preferred to keep a bit longer – can feel like hunger, uncomfortable and anxiety producing. The impulse is strong to rush to fill them with something – anything. But with the progressed Moon entering Aries, I know that soon enough I’ll be happy to be traveling lighter – able to move faster and more efficiently toward a more energetic future. I can hardly wait.
With so many planets currently in Pisces, are you processing and making space for new things in your life?