And really, doesn’t all happiness have an element of denial about it? People are generally about as happy as they choose to be, and choosing to be happy means ignoring what is unpleasant. Naturally, it doesn’t take an astrologer long to make the association between happy people and Neptune (the planet of illusion) and Pisces, a sign of compassion, tolerance, and idealism.
As many of you know, a good deal of my work as an astrologer consists of choosing astrologically fortuitous dates for couples to get married. I’ve always liked to include planets in Pisces or in good aspect to Neptune in my wedding date electional charts, whenever possible. Whether or not you think the delusion theory holds water, planets in Pisces or in aspect to Neptune imply a compassionate, forgiving dynamic in the marriage – as opposed to, say, a chart heavy in Virgo, Scorpio, or Capricorn (noble signs, all; but unfailingly discriminating, honest, and realistic). Clear communication, agreement about money and children, and physical chemistry, are all elements of a good marriage; but a couple of pairs of rose-colored glasses don’t hurt, either.
So the chart for this New Moon – with a staggering five planets in Pisces – caught my eye when I first went hunting for good wedding dates in 2011. Even better, it includes a beautiful Venus/Jupiter sextile and stabilizing Venus/Saturn trine. (Better still? March 9, when the Moon is in Taurus.) Marriages that begin now may be a little unrealistic, yes; but I believe they have a better than average shot at happiness, prosperity, and stability.
For one thing, Venus in Aquarius suggests an egalitarian, convivial approach to love. Aquarius is the sign of friendship, and our friends are people who encourage us to be ourselves, and who love us just as we are, without the need for illusion. Perhaps Venus in Aquarius at this New Moon offers the potential for partners whom we don’t just believe are wonderful, but who actually are, in reality, well-suited to us. Venus’ sextile to Jupiter in feisty Aries suggests fiery unions of enthusiasm, courage, and zest. And Venus’ trine to Saturn in Libra symbolizes a sturdy, realistic relationship framework to support all that sweet, unconditional affection – without squelching Pisces’ lyrical illusions.
Even if you’re not getting married – or even, necessarily, in love – at this rosy New Moon, choose happiness. The world is calling you to the altar of true and unconditional regard. Let yourself, and others, off the hook. Tell your friends how much you love them, exactly as they are. Give your colleagues some Twitter and Facebook mojo. Give your sweetie a belated Valentine, and remember to tell him or her how deeply they are loved.
Those of us made of prickly stuff and accustomed to wearing thick armor can find it threatening to surrender our weapons and trust gentleness, to wade in nonjudgmental waters. Being right, being critical, and holding grudges satisfy the ego, and they can be justified in a dozen ways if you wish. But as warm, empathetic, joyful Pisces reminds us, withholding your love and approval does nothing whatsoever to make you – or anyone else – particularly happy.