“Where’s my Progressed Moon?”
The Moon symbolizes the rhythm and minutiae of daily life, so the Progressed Moon tells us which matters are likely to consume your day-to-day existence (the Progressed Moon’s house) and the style in which you’ll approach them (the Progressed Moon’s sign).
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The Moon and Momzilla
While I have my virtues, I’m simply not the person I could have been had she been in my life awhile longer, to help me smooth off a few more of the rough bits. I suppose we’re all our mothers’ little magna opera – ambitious symphonies that they nurture, refine, and eventually must leave behind, unfinished.
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Progressed Moon changing signs: Empty spaces
We spent the last week transforming the front bedroom of the house – which had disintegrated into a cluttered, chaotic “catch all” – into a guest room. My handy spouse repaired the stained glass windows, which were in desperate need of new latches and new seals, took apart the built-in …
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Eclipses: Magic in the Dark
Sometimes, momentous events take place without our noticing; it’s only in hindsight that everything seems clear, even preordained. This is often the case with eclipses. We wait with bated breath for something dramatic to happen on the day of an eclipse, or the week before, or (surely) a few days …
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