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I’ve been sorting through marriage surveys for a few weeks now, running transits, secondary progressions, and solar arc directions for each birth chart for the date of marriage and scrutinizing them against a long checklist. Basically, I was curious to see how all the things I’ve ever learned/read/told other people about finding marriage in the birth chart stacks up against reality. Not too many surprises, really. Turns out that most of the things that are important in a wedding electional chart seem to be pretty important in showing marriage in the natal chart – various configurations of the Sun and Moon, Venus and Mars, and the Ascendant and Descendant; dramatic eclipses; a dash of Saturn.

I promise to prepare an article soon with all the juicy deets. For now, I’m pushing to put together a lecture on the topic that I will humbly lay before the San Diego Astrological Society next Friday, May 9 for their amazement, amusement, and edification. For added pizzazz I will invite the lovely and talented Australian astrologer and writer Kelly Surtees – visiting en route to UAC – to the lectern to add two or three cents on the topic. I may even invite this guy:

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