It’s official – I’m off on my four week sabbatical!
To paraphrase the old song, “How can you miss me when I won’t go away?” I know, I know! But I thought of a few things I wanted you to know while I’m gone:
- There will be NEW PODCAST EPISODES every week! Subscribe to the show for free wherever you listen to podcasts, or listen at my website!
- My next weekly column will be published on August 12. Until then, here are some Leo pieces from the archives, and read more about the Capricorn Full Moon here.
- Subscribers will get an email on July 29 with a link to download the Leo New Moon workbook!
- If you’d like to order a Birthday Bundle or other reports, Stephanie of my team will be handling those while I’m away!
- You can schedule readings for mid-August on, through my online scheduler. And if you have scheduled one and need to reschedule for any reason, just use the link at the bottom of your confirmation email.
Okay, that’s it for now. Off to watch the waves…

Writing and images © 2017-24 by April Elliott Kent
For more on this week’s planetary news, listen to my podcast!