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Leo Lunar Eclipse: Make Your Own Kind of Music

When I was younger, I knew women who would only date artists or musicians – even when their creative gifts came bundled with drug use, financial irresponsibility, or infidelity. During my years singing in a band, a lot of these women would hang around after the show, waiting to meet the guitarist or the drummer, and this baffled me. Having worked with so many musicians since I was a teenager, they held no romantic mystery for me. But I also felt that many women who were obsessed with artists were really missing out on something special: the thrill, validation, and power that come from being a creator and performer. I couldn’t imagine that romantic involvement with musicians, writers, or athletes would be nearly as satisfying. Better to feed your own creative Leo lionness, I thought – to become the musician, the writer, the athlete.

But my dirty little secret was that I’d become a musician not just for the satisfaction of self-expression, but because I was a social misfit without a lot of options. Unlike the girls who hung around backstage at the clubs where my band played, who traveled in tight, homogeneously attractive groups, I didn’t fit societal ideals about femininity. And to be honest, I envied – still envy – women who “fit in.” Even now I often feel out of place at a bridal shower or girl’s night out.

There are those who do groups well—let’s call them “Aquarian”—and those who never feel right traveling in packs. Those of us with untapped Aquarius energy wander through life feeling as though we missed school on the day social networking skills were taught. Humans are social animals, and we’re hard-wired to crave the very Aquarian experience of belonging. But if fitting in means surrendering the ideas, gifts, and self-expression that are uniquely ours, our Leo selves insist that it’s too dear a price to pay.

As it turned out, not fitting in has proved to be one of my greatest blessings. I remember thinking early on that if I couldn’t fit in, I’d damn well make the best of standing out. So I gave myself over completely to music and later to writing, and in the end, a wonderful thing happened: By standing out, I somehow managed to find my place–to find love, acceptance, and friendship on my own terms.

Every now and then, the odd Uranus transit or progressed planet in Aquarius gives me a taste of what it’s like to simply, effortlessly, belong – to take enjoyment and energy from social connections. But when the transit passes and I return to the social wilderness, I don’t mind. There are creative treasures to be found there. I find myself there.

With the Sun, Venus, and the Moon’s South Node all in Aquarius at this Full Moon, collective identity and common purpose are energized and rewarded, to the extent that your Leo self may be feeling a tad undernourished. And since this Full Moon brings a Lunar Eclipse in Leo, painful memories of creative, romantic, and social hurts may be stirring. Rather than pushing these unhappy memories hastily to one side, perhaps there’s something to be learned from them.

Eclipses kick up ancient anthills and beg us to retrace our steps, to unravel the thread that connects similar moments in our lives. Look back, for instance, to 1981, 1990/91, 1998/99, 2000, 2008/2009. Where were you, what were you were doing, and what was important to you? You may remember creative breakthroughs, and how those breakthroughs were received by others; situations or relationships that brought you a gratifying sense of belonging, or painful moments when it felt you would never, ever fit in. Let the memories of both kinds of experiences be instructive during this eclipse season.

Here’s a story of learning from one of the years in this eclipse cycle. My first book was published in 2008, and it was an overwhelming, not entirely positive experience. Seeing it listed on Amazon was the stuff of naked-in-public nightmares. And the book’s reception, especially from my peers, was not entirely positive. That was hard. But here’s what I learned: Whenever I’ve done my very best work, the work that truly reflects who I am, it doesn’t remotely matter to me what anyone else thinks of it. That’s the truth. I treasure kind feedback, of course, but the other sort doesn’t even register. Because in a very real sense, making your own kind of music (as the old song goes) is its own reward.

When eclipses fall in Aquarius and Leo, we’re asked to remember what kind of fuel powers the engine of our hearts, and to seek our place in the hearts of others. If you’re feeling tired and stale, schedule some time alone for creative play. If you’ve been feeling as though you don’t belong anywhere, maybe it’s because you’re trying to fit yourself into shapes that don’t suit you. This Leo Lunar Eclipse moment is an opportunity to step back for a moment and get reacquainted with your passions—to make your own kind of musicand to trust that they will unite you with the people to whom you truly belong.

© 2009/2018 April Elliott Kent. All rights reserved.

Want to know more about how this month’s eclipses will impact your birth chart? Order my Followed by a Moonshadow eclipse report – 3 years of eclipses for only $35. Click here for a sample and ordering information.


30 comments to " Leo Lunar Eclipse: Make Your Own Kind of Music "

  • Sharyn Hall

    Just love your stuff, thank you xxx

  • Osk

    Omg this made me cry. I think I’ve given my power away on all theses eclipses and I was starting to to it again this eclipse too. Hopefully it’s not too late for me to stop that and start making my own kind of music. Thanks so much for sharing.

  • Stella

    I love this and your own story shows perfectly how we can dig deep into our own
    creative well and shine regardless of others approval!🧡🤗

    • April

      Thanks, Stella – it’s almost always easier to do what’s popular, but so much more self-affirming to do what’s authentic!

  • Michele A Laughlin

    Thank I really needed to hear this.💞

  • I think I’m finally starting to get it. I’ve declined the Imbolc and moon festivities, and decided to nurture my own energy this time. This is nothing new, but usually I feel guilty about it. There’s so much hype around community, So much social pressure to be involved in groups. I missed that day at school too. So I’m making my own music now and I don’t feel bad about it! I’m spoiling myself with meditation, art, prayer, song etc… all to myself. I even bought bubble bath.

  • Tamara

    In 1981 I graduated high school and left my violent, abusive mother to go off on my own and create a different life.
    In 2008, my husband of 23 yrs passed away leaving me to again to create an entirely new life. So interesting how these eclipse dates align with similar themes.

    • April

      It is interesting, isn’t it, Tamara? This sounds like a very important eclipse cycle for you. May it be a creative and personally satisfying one this time around. xoxo

  • helen

    group thing, ha ha, very funny… esp when i work in a group and took two days off for the full moon, just to get away from everybody..
    oh my god April – you are rock star – just saw your video you put out with your newsletter – so adorable, so gorgeous
    it was like a surprise visit from the fairies!! just wanted to smother your doll face with kisses, smooch smooch
    what a fantastic cheerup! hope you do more of those.
    p.s. i am learning to stop lusting after people who do what i have always wanted to do, and am doing baby steps with my music and art and writing etc (thanks for the encouragement!) oxoxo 🙂

    • April

      I’m blushing, Helen! 😀 For those reading who are not on my mailing list, Helen is referring to a little video clip I sent to subscribers at this lunar eclipse. Normally I’m profoundly camera-shy, but it felt like the best way to illustrate the Leo eclipse! Anyway, I’m really glad you enjoyed it, Helen. 🙂 And while it’s understandable to admire the swagger and confidence of the world’s showmen, it really is no substitute for making your own kind of music, right? xoxoxo 😀

  • Karen

    Hi April,
    So much fun to look back to “69, age 16, and think about how my kind of music has changed over the years! I’m having a 2nd/8th experience catching my nodes and mercury with the south in 2nd. Mercury rules the 4th and Interception in 12th. This has been a very eye-opening experience regarding family and unconscious stuff! I can finally sing my own song! Love your talent April !

  • Anna

    Love this: “But if fitting in means surrendering the ideas, gifts, and self-expression that are uniquely ours, our Leo selves insist that it’s too dear a price to pay.”

    And needed the reminder, thank you!

    Each of the years listed above were turning points for me. Each tied to creative expression. I have no idea what my next creative adventure might be but I look forward to finding out!

  • Dee

    Wooohooo! Mama Cass! I think I was three!

    Awesome blog post and I love your video, Besides your looking beautiful, it was a beautiful message. Thank you,

    • April

      That’s so kind of you, Dee, thank you! I can remember Mama Cass too, though I was pretty young myself at the time. What a voice. I’ve been walking around singing that song for a week! Instead of making my own kind of music, I’m apparently making Mama Cass’s kind of music… but I could definitely do worse. 🙂

  • Anh

    April, thank you very much for the heartening encouragement to love ourselves just the way each of us is, whether we are supported by a Leo Lunar Eclipse or not!

  • Spot on, as always, Kent!

    I already know what my eclipse breakthrough is. I just can’t make official announcements yet. I’ll send you an email. 🙂



  • Amy

    Thank you for all you do and for the reminder in the video (which I loved!) to “do me” – something I often am afraid to do, for fear of others’ reactions. I’m also stepping out of my comfort zone starting this month, have been asked to fulfill a role at the organization I volunteer for in training new volunteers. Through it all, I am going to keep your words about sharing myself with others in mind.

    • April

      Thank you so much, Amy. And good for you, stepping bravely into the trainer’s role! It sounds really exciting. 🙂

  • Jo

    Love your message and your video! You are beautiful! Your humility and shyness were a prime example for us to ‘put ourselves out there’ with courage and trust in the outcome! Thank you!!! Blessings & love

    • April

      You are very generous, Jo. 🙂 It is the scariest thing to put ourselves out there, but in order for our Leo sides to shine, we have no choice but to risk it! xoxo

  • delightful, edifying – respect and encore!

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