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Leo Full Moon Lunar Eclipse: On Such a Full Sea

Eclipses are the universe’s way of letting us know that we’ve taken a particular path as far as it can reasonably go, and that it’s time to change course. The nature of eclipses is crisis, those fateful moments when we find we can no longer cling to the familiar and must move in a new direction. When all hell breaks loose at eclipse time (and it often does), it’s very often related to something we’ve seen coming for a long time and have chosen to ignore or avoid.

One chapter in our current eclipse story begins in August 1999, around the time of a Solar Eclipse at 19 Leo… just a few degrees from this month’s Lunar Eclipse at 22 Leo. That summer, on a break from school, I decided to teach myself to create a website. I spent many happy hours up to my elbows in HTML, learning Photoshop, and generally having a grand time. I had set out onto a happy new creative path with no idea where it was leading me, or what a profound influence that summer would have on my career.

Nine years later, at a Solar Eclipse at 18 Aquarius, my website had led directly to the publication of my first book. Today, almost eighteen years after setting out on that fateful path, my little website has carried my voice all over the world. It brought me all three of my books, most of my clients, and a modest reputation in my field.

But for the past couple of years, I’ve found less and less time and energy to invest in my little astrology empire. My once-shiny website, professionally overhauled with some of the proceeds from a book advance, is woefully out of date, but I haven’t had thousands of dollars or hours of time to invest in a new one. My days are filled with clients and students, my involvement in my local astrology group, vet appointments for two elderly cats, and trying to make sure there is enough clean laundry. It’s hard to make time or summon inspiration for blogs or social media posts. It’s getting harder to write these Full and New Moon essays, too. After eighteen years of traveling this territory, I often begin to write something, only to realize I’ve already pretty much covered that ground in an earlier piece.

In other words, I’ve been plodding along a well-traveled path for so long that I’ve stopped noticing the scenery. I was born with the Sun in Leo, the sign of this Lunar Eclipse, a lively, creative sign. It’s a fixed sign, too, and once it’s created something, Leo will keep it going ad infinitum. But as its opposite sign, Aquarius, is keenly aware, change is the life’s blood of creativity. Every now and then we have to veer off the beaten path in order to keep moving forward—and if we won’t go willingly, the universe will not hesitate to give us a shove.

For me, the shove came yesterday when, with five days to go until the lunar eclipse, I noticed with a sinking stomach that my website had slowed to a crawl. The timing couldn’t possibly be worse. Eclipse season is an especially busy time for me. So I spent hours chatting with what my host laughingly calls “tech support;” none of their proposed fixes helped in the least. Faced with an almost completely unresponsive website during one of my busiest weeks of the year, I spent the rest of the day frantically working on a site I’ve been building on another host’s server, hoping against hope that I could make it presentable enough to go live.

Meanwhile, of course, I was supposed to be writing an essay for the Full Moon, a prospect that filled me with exhaustion.

Welcome to my personal Leo (creativity) / Aquarius (technology) crisis. It all came to a head within a couple of days, but as you can see, it’s been a long time in the making. I can’t change it all this month, but change it I must – and I’ve needed to for a very long time. It’s a crisis, all right, but none of it is really a surprise. Time for a new path… one that is more free, more joyous.

Where is your own crisis brewing? Perhaps yours is a critical situation with a loved one, a job that’s making you miserable, or a friendship that you’ve outgrown. Check the house of your chart that 22.28 Leo calls home for more insight. (Don’t know how to find it? ) Think about how it might connected to what you were doing around August 1999 and February 2008. You’re at a new fork in that rather long road, with no choice but to move in a new direction.

The timing is never right for this kind of thing. But the good news—and it’s very good indeed—is that a new direction holds the promise of a fresh start, open hearts, and a world that seems new again.

There is a tide in the affairs of men.
Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;
Omitted, all the voyage of their life
Is bound in shallows and in miseries.
On such a full sea are we now afloat,
And we must take the current when it serves,
Or lose our ventures.
Julius Caesar Act 4, scene 3, 218–224

© 2017 April Elliott Kent

MoonShadow reportWant to know more about how this month’s eclipses will impact your birth chart? Order my Followed by a Moonshadow eclipse report – 3 years of eclipses for only $35. Click here for a sample and ordering information.

18 comments to " Leo Full Moon Lunar Eclipse: On Such a Full Sea "

  • Paula

    Love the article! I totally relate!!!!

    Eclipse square mymidheaven and job is ending in one month
    Looking forward to the change

  • This eclipse seems to be emotionally baptizing me for my next spiritual unraveling. I’ve been wearing nothing but purple and orange colors to keep up with this transformational energy. And crying a lot.

  • Sylvia Bogart

    Right on! Right on! Right on! I am excited. I am overwhelmed. I am calm. I am in pain. All new birth, and death, is first heralded by pain, aren’t they? It has been a long time coming, and I have been fighting it tooth and nail. I do not like change. Yet, at the same time I thrive on it long term. You have pin pointed the exact time frames. You have served the dart directly into the bulls eye. I don’t know whether to bless you, or cry out right from the painful joy that I feel. Probably both simultaneously. I too, have the Leo 5th house, and the Aquarius 11th and my Moon and Uranus are conjunct in that fifth house. I thank you. Blessed Be!

  • Victoria

    I wrote my house cusps down a few weeks ago for just such an eventuality.

    3rd house cusp is 22.36 Aquarius
    9th house cusp is 22.36 Leo

    I’m pretty sure that means that the eclipse occurs in the last few seconds of my 8th house.

    My last freelance job was just eclipsed out of my life. The 8th house is other people’s money, isn’t it?

  • Kimothy

    Thank you for getting through this report!! You’re amazing, and so busy with so many other things in your life!!
    I enjoyed your writing/reading very much!!
    I would like to subscribe to your site!
    My sister forwards me this maybe twice a year….and I like it.

    Keep up the great site whatever you can manage! I still like it!


  • Hi
    First thing I have to say is your are truly unique and your sensible approach , humour, sarcasm and all the rest especially (your grumpiness )could not be replaced easily, I would so miss you.
    Now I want to plead for help I have a list of aspects that should have me spinning round on jet propelled wings.
    moon con. Mars Leo , Saturn con. Jupiter Sag. Uranus con. Venus in Aries. these three setting of my grand trine. Mercury sex. Jupiter,sag. Sun con. Mercury Aquarius Pluto trine north node Taurus . I have Uranus opp. Jupiter natally.sag and Leo.
    I don’t know my ascendant ” just light”
    All I have to show for this is a cold.
    If anyone can help I’d be very pleased , no delighted

  • April: You always manage to see the synchronicity at times like this and help to me bring an event down into the physical in my own life. Your work is always a blessing and I am deeply thankful. My Ascendant is 26 degrees Leo and I am feeling myself in a job where I have been tricking myself about how appreciated and respected I am, and undervalued in my pay as well. Time to make some internal shifts at this time. Thank you for being such a blessing to us all! My moon report has been an amazing help too. You really do help me to zero in on the focus of life patterns in a great way. Thank you! Susan

  • Mooncoyote

    I kept looking at the dates for the two previous eclipses in this series and thinking there was something about them. Then it finally dawned on me: They were both one month before I received a big promotion. Makes sense since my MC/IC axis is at 25 Aquarius/Leo. I wonder what will happen this time, as I now work in a different field and for a very small firm, with no real room for a promotion! Thanks for the info!

  • April. I so love the transparency in your post. I loved your last personal eclipse report that I ordered. Big hugs.

  • Lizzie

    Totally seeing it playing out around me – dramas and challenges in our rather Aquarian workplace and personal issues. With the eclipse almost perfectly conjunct my descendant (but still a toe under the line in the 6th house) I’m waiting with bated breath…

  • Hi
    Been trying to find something you said about Gemini making Sag. Ideas useful or practical? Can’t seem to find it do you remember please?


  • Dushka Stocklin

    Hi April, Love, love love your posts. They are little essays bringig different flavours of us at different times. You brighten my days bimonthly. Wish there were more moon phases to have you create your beautiful cameo thoughts. Chuckle. Well, almost. Just a huge thank you. On my way to order your eclipse report. Sending many blessings. Dushka

  • Agnieszka

    Dear April,
    Thank you for such clear explanation of this Eclipse. It is on my ax MC/IC. My teaching is finally taking shape. More students enrolled. But this is not the case. I compared what happened in my life in 1999, 2008 and even Feb,1990.. What a pattern! Each time I got a job, but it was not my venture I worked for someone else. Good money it was, but I left them. Before the Eclipse, out of the blue, I finally found webste creator course, absolutelly free.I need to add that /I was looking for such a course 3 years? And here I have got it! Thank you for sharing your story. Now I will keep my websites knowing that you succeeded. Kind regards.

  • Hi
    I got one outcome from the events in my chart on the lunar eclipse , the cold I mentioned earlier ,vanished instantly when the log burner man came and stopped a carbon monoxide escape from the flue, something he had hotly denied ! 6 and 12?
    There is no special house for the past , in a sense though everything behind our ascendant is the past isn’t it?
    I must tell you this about the universe making it very clear when you ignore them, a friend of mine had been ignoring a request for a medical, one of the hated things was a bowel cancer test and bringing samples with them, she was going on Monday and came home Sunday to find that some new food given to her dogs had had diasterous results involving much cleaning , and her mother had an allergic reaction to some special tea, both could have provided ample samples! You hit the nail on the head there, I had to explain why I was laughing so much that I could hardly hear her.
    Thanks again

  • Tanene

    Only you, April, can write such precious, authentic essays to keep us all somewhat sane and grounded in the astrological happenings. We need your reports. That said, would you consider putting the word out there to get help with the website…someone who loves doing it and you do a TRADE with that person by astrological updates/readings. Just a thought. So glad that you pushed through your writers’ withdrawal and ‘birthed’ this report. Many thanks.

  • Yup. Us Leo’s (29 degrees) are really up for it! I took a long look at the times when Leo was eclipsing for me…All involved tumultuous change! At each time of the change, I wasn’t so excited to make such dramatic (leo) change, but it has propelled me forward. This time, I started 6 months ago making the big changes, and the rest of the shifts will dovetail. I have noted that the underlying theme (for me) was freedom. Whether it was personal space, friendships, or work. So, that’s my work for the Lunar eclipse in Leo, plus all the sensitivities for the Solar eclipse. Should be an interesting period ahead!

  • Jan Engdahl

    Sun Leo 22.41 5th house – Moon 23 Virgo….planned to retire last summer but put off until March 31st…so completely ready to move on to pursue my spiritual growth and freedom.. 1999 – conj my Pluto completely changed course in career and divorce from 24 yr marriage grand sq was like a freight train. This time around I planned and communicated more appropriately!

  • donna

    Hello April…hoping all is solid for you. am holding up my end of the world in spite of stuff falling off the shelves.
    my question: on this site a couple months back was a list of planets in aspect with the eclipse. you explained what things could look like. i cannot find that list anywhere here.
    is it still available?

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