026 | Gemini New Moon and Six Months In!
Stroll down memory lane with April and Jen as we celebrate the BSA Podcast’s 6-month half-birthday! It’s a busy week: the Sun joins the ongoing Gemini party and teams up with the Moon for a stabilizing, yet energizing new lunar cycle; Mercury translates for Venus as she makes her second of three aspects to nebulous Neptune; and Mars and Uranus team to up to offer new opportunities and unexpected gifts. Also, eclipse season will be upon us soon enough (June 5), and a little prep never hurt anyone! Plus: Christmas in springtime, deliciously dangerous potstickers, and composting gophers.
Prepare for the eclipses by ordering a personalized
Followed by a Moonshadow eclipse report!
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00:30 – Friends: April and Jen are officially half a year into our podcasting adventure! Celebrate with us! Who can forget April’s love for Bob Ross, The Repair Shop being name-dropped approximately 100 times, or Jen’s charming parents? Your intrepid co-hosts’ favorite episodes include frequent laughter, teachable moments, and delightful titles – and they are:
- Episode 5, Unboxing Eclipses (Winner, First Uncontrollable Laughing Fit)
- Episode 7, Saturn & Pluto Go to The Repair Shop (Winner, April’s Favorite Netflix Show Finally Makes It into a Title)
- Episode 8, Saturn and Pluto Need a Party (Winner, Jen’s Biggest Belly-Laugh)
- Episode 12, Mercury Retrograde: Where Are My Pants? (Winner, Best Title Ever)
- Episode 14, Retrograde Minds, Cazimi Hearts, Can’t Lose (Winner, Most Love for “Friday Night Lights”)
- Episode 21, Cardinal, Fixed, & Mutable: Signs a la Mod-alities (Winner, Loveliest Teachable Moment)
- Episode 22, Taurus New Moon and Venus Gone Wild (Winner, Sweetest Moment with Parental Cameo)
And here’s the link to read Jen’s essay, “Scorpio Full Moon: Life Lessons on Letting Go” – her personal journey with her injury.
07:18 – If you enjoy the podcast, April & Jen have a request: Please take one second and give the podcast a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts (or wherever you listen). Bonus points if you leave a positive review! It helps others find the show. Thanks!
08:28 – Welcome airy, adaptable, communicative Gemini season! The Sun strolls into the sign of the Twins on May 20 and joins Mercury, Venus, the North Node – and soon, the Moon as well..
10:47 – The Sun connects with Saturn in Aquarius on the May 22. The Sabian symbol for 2 Gemini is “Santa Claus Filling Stockings Furtively.” Good things coming our way? Learn how April views this symbol – it’s her descendant degree!
12:35 – Venus squares Neptune for the second time on May 20: an opportunity to take a fresh approach to how we relate to our closest peeps. (To revisit Venus’s first square, go to Episode 23, Talkin’ Taurus and the Void (Of Course!) Moon. To hear even more about Venus, listen to episodes 21 & 22 – see above for the link.)
15:11 – ** Moonwatch**! The New Moon (May 22) is at 2°04’ Gemini. It’s on one of Sabian symbol expert Lynda Hill’s favorites, “The Garden of the Tuileries,” referencing the fascinating Parisian garden and park. This is about beauty and leisure, or maybe literally getting a garden going. (Should the Kents persist with their home composting project, or simply move to Minneapolis, where their compost would be picked up at home?) The New Moon offers a nice combo of flow and conflict, with squares for character and grit, and trines to help us build something dear to our hearts.
23:30 – Mercury and Venus are united, and together they square Neptune in the New Moon chart. Mercury brings a realization or awareness of something related to the ongoing Venus/Neptune square. And remember: the birth chart shows everything possible, so don’t pigeonhole someone because of any one aspect. Lecture over. As you were..
26:33 – Hey, where’s the fire? There’s none in the sky, but keep a close eye on the stove… and keep your fire extinguishers close! And freebie: Don’t forget to subscribe to the Big Sky mailing list – your free monthly workbook shows you where the Moon is every day!.
31:10 – We are two weeks away from the June 5 eclipse at 15 Sagittarius! If you have any planets or points between 11-19 of mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, or Pisces), this is an important eclipse for you. This eclipse will mark the beginning of a series of eclipses falling in Gemini/Sag over the next year and a half, with a focus on what you know and what you need to learn. Revisit Episode 24, Scorpio Full Moon & Lunar Nodes for Grasshoppers to brush up. And make sure to grab your personalized copy of Followed by a Moonshadow eclipse report, which will outline what is going on for you. Yes, you!.
35:17 – Action-oriented Mars in gentle, kind Pisces makes an opportunity aspect to unpredictable Uranus in earthy Taurus (May 24). Uranus is on the Sabian symbol “A Christmas tree.” It’s a good time to help people or causes that are important to you, and perhaps an unexpected gift will land at your feet. (For a review on this aspect, head on over to Episode 16, Let’s Talk About Sextiles.).
38:36 – And… it’s official! April and Jen are 26 episodes in! We had no idea what we were getting ourselves into when we started… podcast archaeology, that’s all it is, friends, and we’re digging it! 😉
40:04 – April and Jen’s podcast semi-birthday request: If you can afford it – donate to a good cause this week! Can’t you just see the ripple of love and groovy vibes flowing from the podcast out into the world? To help the podcast at no cost to you, please SUBSCRIBE, RATE & REVIEW! (That’s not yelling; it’s just excitement! 😊) And… thanks for listening! For real. We wouldn’t be here if you weren’t tuning in. We appreciate you! We embrace you!