Episode 276 | Venus enters Aries: The Thrill of the Chase!
Mercury’s aspects to the Sun and Jupiter bring optimism, hope, and breakthroughs. Venus enters spicy Aries for a good long stay. Jupiter stations direct, the Taurus First Quarter Moon encourages practical action, Mars makes a productive trine to Saturn, and a listener question about trine aspects: Is their fortunate reputation deserved?
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Episode 275 | Aquarius New Moon: Fleeting Popularity!
The Aquarius New Moon and a penetrating Mercury-Pluto conjunction raise difficult truths and are a reminder that popularity is fleeting. The Aquarius Sun basks in the creative flow of confident, risk-taking Jupiter. As Uranus stations direct, the earth moves. Venus conjoins the North Node and connects with Neptune: How much is enough?
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Episode 274 | Sun Meets Pluto: Deep Cleaning!
The Sun’s conjunction with Pluto is an ideal time to let go, cleanse, and reset. The Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio directs us to escape obligations that don’t suit us, and join with others to build new things. Venus and Mars fall into one another’s arms for a sexy embrace, and their aspects to Uranus keep things fresh. Mercury gathers intel from Mars, Uranus, and Neptune, and April answers a listener question about fitting transits into your daily schedule.
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Episode 273 | Cancer Full Moon: Worldly Ambition, Human Connection!
A cranky Cancer Full Moon, flavored by contentious Mars and Pluto; the Sun aspects Mars, Uranus, and Neptune, then enters Aquarius. Venus squares off with Jupiter, comes together with Saturn to stabilize. Opportunities arise when Mercury connects with Venus and Saturn. And a listener question about Pluto transiting the 7th house.
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Episode 272 | Aries First Quarter Moon: Tea Kettles Boiling!
Mercury enters Capricorn and triggers imaginative Neptune. The lunar nodes enter the signs of Pisces and Virgo for an 18-month stay. Mars retrogrades into Cancer, and the Aries First Quarter Moon is one of the most first-quartery First Quarters of the year.
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Episode 271 | New Moon in Capricorn: Feeding the Albatross!
The Capricorn New Moon offers a message of care and kindness. Venus enters Pisces, a sign of unconditional love. Irresistible Mars makes the second of three oppositions to immovable Pluto. The Sun sextile Saturn, and Mars trine the North Node, offer a vision of a dream that is within your grasp. A listener question about combining transits and secondary progressions when you’re looking at your chart. Plus: An albatross, agape, and achievements!
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Episode 270 | Jupiter vs Saturn: Legs Spinning in Midair!
The critical midpoint between eclipse seasons; Jupiter squares Saturn, and Mercury aspects them both; Venus in sparkly Aquarius shakes things up with Uranus. No major lunation this week, but we look at the void-of-course Moon periods and take a listener question about what it means for a planet to be strong in your birth chart.
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Episode 269 | Capricorn Season: Strong Knees and a Thick Skin!
The Sun squares Neptune and enters Capricorn for the solstice. Venus trine Jupiter, celebrates the love we share with those who “speak our language.” The Last Quarter Moon in Libra calls for prioritizing loved ones and collaborating on future goals. And April answers a listener question about using the Sabian symbols with your birth chart.
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Episode 268 | Gemini Full Moon: Be Curious and Stay Busy!
The chatty Gemini Full Moon; Mercury bids adieu to its latest retrograde period and celebrates with a sweet aspect to Venus. Relationship-oriented Venus and Mars face off in a contentious, but awareness-building opposition. And a listener question about ideas that come our way when Mercury is retrograde – are they all bad?
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Episode 267 | Mars Retrograde: The Warrior Within!
Venus enters friendly Aquarius, the Sun and Mercury aspects Jupiter and Saturn, Mars turns retrograde, and the Pisces First Quarter Moon. Plus: A robust youth, the dream of society, and the acme of cheerful innocence!
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