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Eclipses in 11th and 5th Houses: Crisis in Reception and Self-Expression

by April Elliott Kent

This is PART 4 of 7. |  Read Part 3 here

dancing_dark_mainDon’t know how to find where an eclipse will fall in your birthchart? This post will help.

After awhile our young bride, a little stronger and better rested, emerges into the world to reconnect with her old friends. But some of those friendships didn’t survive her disappearance. Some of her single friends are convinced they were right about her dumping them when she got married, and don’t return her calls, while others insist she continue the social pace they enjoyed together when she was single. Some of her married friends have upped the ante and moved on to having kids, and have no time for her. Maybe her marriage required her to move a great distance from her ordinary support systems; maybe in making the life-changing transitions of getting married and confronting her past, she has outgrown a lot of her old friends. Anyway, it seems that everyone has abandoned her at once, and the more she tries to pretend that everything is the way it’s always been, the worse she feels.

One day, while unpacking some boxes, she runs across a short story she had started writing a few years ago, and then set aside when she became engaged. Reading through it, she starts making some notes in the margins; when she looks up again, she notices that several hours have passed. She sets the story aside to make dinner – but is excited at the prospect of getting back to it tomorrow.

As with eclipses to Uranus, the ruler of the 11th, this eclipse cycle finds you out of step with those around us. The crisis lies in rediscovering the 5th house part of yourself, those creative passions that are more compelling than any dinner party you could go to and that eventually lead you to share yourself with the rest of the world. When you’re able to share what you truly are, you’ll naturally attract the friends and associates who are right for you.

Part 5: Eclipses in the 10th and 4th houses »

© 1999 April Elliott Kent.

MoonShadow reportWant to know more about how this year’s eclipses will impact your birth chart? Order my Followed by a Moonshadow eclipse report – 3 years of eclipses for only $35. Click here for a sample and ordering information.

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