If you’re one of the many people to whom I owe an email, a report, a reading, or some variation of the same, bear with me, please. 2006 is getting off to a galloping start, and I’m dancing as fast as I can. (And mixing metaphors even faster.)
Mars is Direct, all right, and stomping across my natal Sun – which is in enough trouble as it is, what with Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune stampeding across it. I’m trying like hell to be gentle and patient and compassionate with the whole world, but really, I need one of these, and I need it yesterday.But I’m feeling pretty positive, actually, and a lot of people I’ve talked to in the last week are upbeat as well. It seems that November brought a lot of us to our knees, but now we’re bouncing back. Which again, this.
Full Moon article coming in a few days. And remember, my eclipse reports and readings are on sale through February 3. Might as well get something good out of this Venus retrograde!