Thirteen Astrologers to Know About:
A capricious and arbitrary list
Is there anyone left who hasn’t heard the good word about Steven Forrest? I’ve been boosting this fellow for so many years that I’m sure people are convinced I’m on his payroll. It’s just that he’s the total package: great writer, inspiring lecturer, awesome counselor; giving back to the astrological community with his apprenticeship program and work with Kepler College. All this, and he’s a very, very kind human being as well.
Simone Butler is another great San Diego astrologer and friend. She’s a really fine writer – her monthly essays are heartfelt and beautifully crafted. Heart of gold. Cat person. All-around classy dame. Diane Ronngren, a Reno astrologer, is sort of my astrological mother. She gave me my first professional astrology reading, was my teacher for two or three formative years, and was the single most influential person in my decision to became a professional astrologer. So yeah, blame Diane.Are you reading Astrobarry? Because it really cannot be said enough times: Astrobarry is huggable.
If you’re not hip to Bill Herbst, by all means, get yourself over to his website and devour back issues of his amazing monthly newsletter. And if you don’t own his book “Houses of the Horoscope,” shame on you! I’ve occasionally disagreed with some things Bill has written over the years, and in the end it always ends up that he’s right and I’m wrong. Normally, I’d hate that. But somehow, it just makes me love him more.
My friend Pete Watson hangs out over in England somewhere. He’s brilliantly funny, always coming out of left field with some wry quip, and is also a fine writer and one hell of an astrologer. You may have seen his article about Paul McCartney in a recent issue of TMA, and he’s currently working on a book with a couple of other guys; let’s keep an eye on Pete.
Bernadette Brady scares me – I love that! First of all: huge brain. NO ONE could best Brady in a battle of astrological titans. Plus, she is formidable, possessed of the ass-kicking moxie I’ve admired in many Australian women. I saw her lecture at UAC a zillion years ago and fell immediately in love with her because she gave the squirrelier members of the audience an earful, just really smacked ’em down for their rude behavior as they so richly deserved. Moved, I dabbed a small tear from the corner of my eye and thought: “Here is my spiritual mother.” Caroline Casey should be president of the United States. She is, as my friend Maria would say, “the astro-peaches.” If you ever have the chance to see her lecture, for God’s sake don’t miss it. Unbelievably smart and funny and cool.Brad Kochunas. I’ve only read a couple of Brad’s articles, but they absolutely blew me away. I told a young friend about him and they met up at a conference; the friend reports that Brad is also the coolest, nicest astrologer around. (“Other than you, of course, April.” I’m lying. Of course he didn’t say that, as I’m patently uncool and congenitally cranky.)
Alert readers will note that there are only 12 astrologers on my list. Leave your nomination for number 13 in comments!
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