The New Moon today was exact at 12:44 pm PDT, at 7.24 Taurus – the Sun and Moon square Saturn in Leo. Which sounds about right. Because when you’re all up in your own petty dramas, strutting and fretting your hour upon the stage – Leo-style – Taurus is the big old hook that suddenly appears from the wings to drag you away before you can really make an ass of yourself.
Taurus is the tenth sign from Leo, and so is a sort of natural parent to our most flamboyant and self-celebratory urges. The down-to-earth mentor who let you know – hopefully without crushing your spirit – that even though you were indeed funny and talented, you might be getting just a little too big for your britches. The snarky but affectionate friend who never let you get away with your pretensions, because she infinitely preferred the real you. The loving mother who praised your talents but reminded you that there was more to you, too, if you would only buckle down and do the work that was necessary to uncover it, and then relax and enjoy it. And who assured you that, no matter what a glorious thing you made of yourself, you would never be any more beautiful than you were on the day you were born – perfect, unspoiled, equisitely unexceptional as the good earth itself.
Salt of the earth, Taurus. Rock of Gibraltar. Tender spring grass, verdant hills, and all the most luxurious treasures of the planet, unadorned and useful and utterly ravishing. No, we can never be anything better than that; no costume, dance, or song is the rival of earth in bloom.