And it is beautiful – it’s half the weight of my beleaguered and decaying Compaq, and unlike the Compaq it has a lid that opens without a crowbar and doesn’t have dozens of vertical lines scattered across the display. And come on, folks – it’s pink! There was, of course, a catch: The dreaded Vista operating system that it came with cannot be replaced with XP, though it can on the models with slightly smaller screens. Why ask why? Fortunately it appears all my weird specialized software will run with hideous Vista, and when you change the interface to Classic view it’s not quite as disorienting. So I’m sticking with it. Kinda glad I got the extended warranty, though.
Looks like I’m gonna keep on thumbing my nose at the conventional wisdom about retrograde Mercury this week: the brakes on the car have started to squeak a bit, so I’m off to see our mechanic, Mark. Maybe he’s got some flashy, pink brakes for me.
If someone out there has a contract for me to sign, I can go for the Mercury Retrograde Taboo Trifecta.
What about you? Breaking any Retrograde Rules?