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The Creepin’ Crud

I’ve been fighting off a really nasty cold/semi-flu thing that tackled me on Wednesday… ghastly. Fortunately it hit me during a relatively light week, work-wise, so I’ve spent the past few days on the couch, watching episodes of Bob Newhart and Arrested Development at Presumably planetary stuff has been going on too, while I was laid out. The Sun entered Gemini, I think, and squared Saturn (which would traditionally herald my back going out for a few days, but since I’ve been flat on said back thanks to the cold, all is well in that area), and maybe Venus did something similar at some point. I dunno. I’ll get back to you on that.

There is definitely some kind of disturbance in whatever portion of the sky rules highly infectious viral diseases, because it seems half the people I’ve spoken with in the past week have got some variation of what my mom used to call “the creepin’ crud.” Rest up and force fluids, people.

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