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Lost in the 12th House

Old Tyme Astrology Books of Yore consistently connected the dots between the 12th House/Pisces and spirituality, confinement, and illness – experiences that seem pretty random until you actually get sick and are confined to the couch for a week, with little to do except contemplate the meaning of life and stare vacantly.

Just after the Sun entered Pisces last week (and squared my Ascendant – the bastard!) I came down with one of those really savage head colds that leaves your nose raw, your taste buds numb, and your zest for living significantly diminished. Aside from the obvious discomfort, I actually quite resented this illness. Because not only have I been making an effort lately to treat myself a little better (daily walks, etc.), but I lost a full week of my vacation last summer to a hideous respiratory flu. Karma owed me one. Sadly, karma did not get the memo.

So I spent days huddled on the couch with kleenex, lemon and honey drink, various cats, and Pinky the Wonder Laptop, working my way through an entire season of Lost. It’s a show I had blissfully ignored until a couple of months ago, when a friend suggested that I give it a try. I watched the first season, which was just fantastic, online and was hooked. After all, I’ve got a pretty serious fear of flying and lots of aspects to Neptune; what’s not to love about a show based on the survivors of a plane crash who must contend with the challenges of life on a deserted island?

Seasons three and four, just for a start. But though I’m not as enamored of the show at this point, I’ve got to see how it all works out. And since it’s the kind of program that demands heroic suspension of disbelief, it was perfect viewing for someone with a bad cold. I simply didn’t have the strength to maintain disbelief… so I went along with all the weird time travel stuff and all that business, only occasionally rolling my eyes and groaning before loading up the next episode.

Anyway, I’ve finally escaped from the Island of Respiratory Gremlins and today I’m slowly working my way back to the mainland. Naturally, I’m woefully behind in all kinds of stuff. And since I’m still sort of tired and my head is still appropriately Pisces/Neptune/foggy, I imagine I’ll stay behind for awhile longer, because there isn’t really a single item on my agenda that I can bear to tackle. Though, hmmm… I do have a couple of episodes left of “Lost” to bring me up to date. Following the cracked-out sci-fi antics of a bunch of misfits stranded on a crazoid island sounds like just my speed today.

2 comments to " Lost in the 12th House "

  • Glad to hear you’re feeling better, I didn’t watch LOST at all, but I am now hooked on FRINGE…which I heard is the same team of people. I love the bizarre nature of it, and at times it’s doesn’t seem so bizarre to my Piscean self.

  • I love Lost. I have tried to find creator JJ Abrams’ birth data. He also created Alias and Fringe. All his shows are about groups of people dealing with paranormal/metaphysical problems. (Well, except for his first show, Felicity, but being in college is hard enough without time travel and strange medical problems).

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