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Knocking us down

It is I, your absent friend. This Mars/Pluto opposition (exact September 21 at 1:33 a.m. PDT) is kicking. my. ass, people. And Jonny’s. No matter how hard we swim, the waves keep knocking us back down. (Also, commuting is extra-horrible the past couple of weeks. People are driving like maniacs, am I right? Mars in Gemini. Dorks.)

The news of the world has been so frustrating and irritating of late that I’m about to go on another full media blackout. Ugh. A couple of years ago I had a long, awful transiting square from Pluto to my Mars, and it felt just like this, what with the sense of utter powerlessness, futile rage against an overwhelming, faceless enemy, etc. Just…. ugh.

Things are not all bad, though. For instance, editing has commenced on my book, and I’m pleased to say that my editor is officially the nicest man on the planet. Also, we had a tremendous visit last week with a couple of friends who were returning to the states for the first time since relocating to the UK earlier this year. What’s more, I’ve fallen in love with a new TV show, AMC’s Mad Men. Have you seen this thing? It is IN-credible. Come for the zany, anachronistic vibe – the ceaseless smoking, the blatant sexism, the five martini lunches – and you’ll stick around for the characters, who are absolutely fascinating. Much love. Episodes are available on iTunes.

Plus, yesterday was National “Talk Like a Pirate” Day. Arrrrr!

2 comments to " Knocking us down "

  • Oof. You sound like you need a call! Hugs my friend! The opposition isn’t doing us any favors, either. Ugly cat drama is afoot (of course, since Mars rules my sixth).

  • Well, you may be snowed under by Mars/Pluto, but your post is excellent! The Mars/Pluto opposition here has seemed like oppression heaped upon oppression.

    However–many congrats on your book and on having such an editor!

    another hug from, jude

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