It’s a function of my striving, discontented, and cantankerous disposition that I generally ignore pleasant transiting aspects to my chart (and for that matter – and to their disappointment – my clients’ charts). I tend to focus on what’s uncomfortable, on whatever isn’t working; basically, if it’s not a conjunction, a square, or on opposition involving a fairly nasty outer planet, I can’t be bothered.
Which is why quiet moments of peace, contentment, and happiness tend to take me by surprise. Take this week, for example. As I wrote to an astrologer friend the other day, “I know this Full Moon was supposed to suck, but I’ve been loving it – so happy! so productive!” Because I’ve been up to my elbows in website work for a couple of months and for the most part ignoring astrology, I had completely failed to notice Jupiter moving into the last degrees of Capricorn, closing in on my natal Saturn at 25 degrees. And that’s the transit that tells the whole story, really.
I tend to regard Jupiter transits as brief but delicious bursts of blessings. I enjoy them, as I would a bon-bon, but I don’t get too invested in them; they’re over too quickly, and the good vibes don’t tend to last. To my mind, Jupiter transits can’t compare to juicy, main-course fare like Pluto transits that unfold at an agonizing pace, giving you plenty of time to marinate in the horror. Rather, Jupiter’s transits are like love letters traced in the sand just before a wave comes in and washes them away – enjoy them while you can, because they disappear a lot more quickly than you’d like.
I feel a bit ripped off, having been born with Saturn conjunct Jupiter. The two are forever locked in a epic battle for supremacy over my temperament, and since Saturn is very strong in my chart I rarely get to a chance to sample Jupiter’s delights without Saturn standing over my shoulder tsk-tsking. But right now – however temporarily – Jupiter has the edge, and I’m enjoying this transit, I really am. I’m working a lot, but I’m enjoying the work. These days, in fact, I feel blessed to have the work. My Saturnine baggage feels lighter, like when I was a kid and there were still grownups around to carry some of that load for me. I feel, on some peculiar level… healed.
In another corner of my chart my Pluto/Venus transit is just beginning in earnest, so I may be singing a different tune in the coming year. But for now I’ll accept my little pre-solstice Jupiter gift with thanks, and Pluto will just have to wait his turn.
Count your blessings, and share ’em in comments!