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It’s ON.

Yesterday’s New Moon at 9 Scorpio made a tight square to Saturn at 10 Leo. On Monday, a desperate Bush declared all-out warfare on Americans who are slightly to the left of Genghis Khan with his appointment of Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court. Yesterday, Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid returned fire by forcing a closed session discussion of the lack of investigation into the lead-up to the Iraq invasion. His surprise move left Majority Leader Frist visibly shaken. Oh, it’s on, alright.

Reid was born December 2, 1939 in Searchlight, Nevada, with his Sagittarius Sun in tight square with Mars in Pisces – the classic aspect of a fighter. In fact, Reid did some boxing in high school. He also has a bit of a reputation for bluntness (as befits a Sag); last May, Reid notoriously described GWB as a “loser.” Appropriately for the leader of the “loyal opposition,” Reid’s chart features a Sun opposed the U.S.(Sibley) Mars, a Moon that is likely opposed the U.S. Moon (I don’t have his time of birth), Uranus square the U.S. Mars (surprise attack!), Venus opposed U.S. Venus. Asteroid Reid (3422) sits today at 16 Aries – opposed the U.S. Saturn.

Yet tellingly, there is at least one striking conjunction between Harry Reid’s birth chart and that of the U.S. – Neptune, which is at 22 Virgo in the U.S. chart and at 25 Virgo in Reid’s. The highest ideals of the United States are best represented by people like Reid, men and women who know that good intentions will only get you so far… then you’ve got to roll up your sleeves and get to work.

Photo and caption idea from Daily Kos.