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Gods restrain me…

great houseVenus (goddess of property) is getting ready to oppose Saturn (god of getting way in over one’s head) tomorrow, and I’ve fallen dangerously in love with a house – a surprisingly affordable 1929 bungalow in a great part of town. It’s a bit of a mess (because that’s what I love in a house… Venus in the 8th?) but has original built-ins (swoon) and the street is beautiful. Best of all, Jonny could bike to the shuttle stop, saving me an hour of commuting each day.

Selling our place in this market, though, would be a complete pain – and there’s no garage, which is a huge downer. So I need an intervention here, folks – talk me out of it!

How’s Venus/Saturn playing out for you? Contemplating financial quandaries? Brutally rebuffed by the objects of your affection? Spill it!

6 comments to " Gods restrain me… "

  • I am perpetually in a state of conflict between my heart wanting what’s bad for me and my head going, “NO! SNAP OUT OF IT! GET OVER IT! Last time I let you win, disaster happened!”

    But I have Venus/Saturn in my chart, so this goes on 24-7 😛

  • Trying to sell my condo now, so I hear you. I’d also love to buy around where I am now – lots of cool places with built-ins and hw floors, etc. But expensive. My plan is, sell the condo and put the proceeds in the bank, *then* keep an eye open for a deal. But a colleague of mine just sold her house and bought another all within a couple of weeks, so it can happen. (oops, I was supposed to talk you out of it – no! Don’t do it!)

    With Uranus opposing my 2nd house Sun, I’m hoping offloading my old condo will actually happen (I moved last summer when Uranus hit last). Then maybe when Saturn moves in (and my progressed Sun is hitting my IC), I’ll settle into some new place.

  • Oh, and Saturn will be sitting on my Venus/Pluto from now thru June, so I look at Venus transiting opposite Saturn… ha!

  • Sheris White

    Refinance your house, and rent it out and buy the one you’re in love with, providing the new house is in Mission Hills.

  • I bet other houses will soon become available in that neighborhood — ones with garages, eh? Hey, we’re on the verge of a global market crash or something equally apocalyptic. So, if not now, then soon! 😀 (Gotta look for the silver lining, you know.)

  • Sheris, it is in Mission Hills, on a beautiful street. But after taking a tour of the inside, we quickly decided it was too big a challenge even for us to take on. Thank gods!

    Here’s a fun piece of trivia for the feng shui fans among us. The owners of the house are selling it because they’re getting a divorce. In the master bedroom, the wall where the bed would be positioned – right between two wall lamps – had a huge vertical crack right down the middle. A tree on the other side of the wall had apparently messed with the foundation.

    No thanks!

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