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Full Moon in Capricorn: The Garden of the Gods

garden of the gods

A friend of mine, born with the Moon in Capricorn, has an enchanting garden. It isn’t lush; there is a preponderance of desert plants, sages and succulents. But there are also a lovely little patch of lawn next to a soothing waterfall, wind chimes with a deep and resonant tone, and scattered everywhere there are rocks – smooth river rocks, crags of quartz. Appropriately for a woman with the Moon ruled by Saturn (the ruler of stone), she’s crazy about rocks. I admit I rarely give them much thought one way or another; but while she’s on vacation I’m looking in on her place daily, and her garden is making a believer out of me.

garden of the godsThe scale is different, but her garden reminds me a bit of park in Southern Illinois that I used to visit as a kid, called Garden of the Gods. Less spectacular than its more famous Colorado cousin, it is nevertheless a kind of magical place, full of intriguing rock formations and old-growth forest. Standing atop a towering, rocky precipice, a little kid could feel close to God indeed – in fact, a bit like a Goddess herself.

We tend to think of rocks as boring, inanimate objects, but as my friend would attest there’s something magical about them – grounding and steady, eternal, peaceful. We could make grave markers from any substance, for instance; but when we want things to endure, we use stone.

Saturn was recently visited in the zodiac by Mars, in the early degrees of Virgo. Imagine the sculptor’s hand with a chisel, chipping away at a big hunk of marble, and you get the general idea. Somewhere inside you is a big block of Saturn that’s waiting to take a more useful form, to be fashioned into a protective container for your most helpful and practical impulses. The aggravating friction of the past two weeks was just Mars, chipping away the excess stone and polishing you with abrasives, to reveal your inner substance in a more graceful and glittering form.

Saturn symbolizes stones in the river of your life – they are obstructions that change your course, but they can also be used to provide shelter or protection – or to lift you closer to the Gods. For tonight’s Full Moon in Capricorn (12:59 am PDT; 3:59 am EDT), Saturn’s sign, give stones a place of honor on your altar. With both rough, unpolished slabs and smooth orbs, sculpted by river or by human hands, honor the hard lessons of Saturn that make us strong – and the friction of Mars that makes us sparkle.

5 comments to " Full Moon in Capricorn: The Garden of the Gods "

  • Interesting! Because yesterday we had a meeting where we bagged on a photo of a giant rock that the business unit had picked to display prominently on part of the site we’re refreshing. It was a big joke for about two hours.

  • Hee! That’s kind of cool, Maria, in a zeitgeist-y kind of way.

  • I’m such a bigsky astrology lurker and decided to write and say this was fabulous. The imagery of the sculptors hand (mars)chipping away to reveal a more graceful substance(saturn)reminds me of diamond cutting. The constellation of Virgo wears a necklace of diamonds, one of which is the bright star Spica, the wheat-harvest she holds in her hand to offer the world.

    Also, I just learned from a friend that the Full Moon in Cap is akin to thank your teachers day in India. Thank you, April!

  • Astromaze

    Yeah Moon in Capricorn is actually a good thing for us.

  • olga

    HI April,
    Would you have any words of wisdom not for a Moon in Capricorn, but for a Sun in Capricorn (Dec. 26, 1955, 12:51am Toronto, Canada)with an upcoming Aug. 1 eclipse in Leo, with Pluto ready to move into Capricorn for many years? I feel a very strong sense of foreboding and the past 10 years have really tested my faith. Any offering appreciated, you seem to have a knack for articulating the essence of a situation. Most grateful, Olga

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